If nature isn't calling

Mama 2 Be

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
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I spoke to my MW and told her the constipation problem (since week 5) and she suggested LOTS and LOTS of fresh fruit juice. So on Saturday I purchased shares in Tropicana and et voila! I found the Ruby breakfast one helped the best :oops: (Sorry TMI)

So in short those of you who are trying to kill yourselves with fibre overload :wall: try juice - what have you got to loose apart from the obvious?!?!?

Also, it adds to your five aday! :clap:

From a much lighter Mama 2 Be! :rotfl: who doesn't look 8 months PG anymore! :clap:
I will be heading out for some juice today in that case, thanks hun :hug:
I will have to remember that! though I dont have a problem at the moment :oops:
We're off to Tesco in a bit, that's for the heads up! :D
so pleased you found something that works, i have been drinking lots of juice and was still suffering, then yesterday i bought some prune juice, drank it at dinner time and it worked this morning, i have a very slow digestive system :rotfl:
I will try ANYTHING!! My Doc told me to eat prunes and apricots, I have been eating them all week and still nothing. I also drink gallons of water and have cereal for breakfast..I have been once in two weeks!!! :oops: I have never had a problem like this before, I am so bloated and the bottom of my back is so sore :(
I've been suffering so cheers hon

I've tried juice and dates which I really like so that's a bonus. Not shifted it yet though
I tried everything........and was addicted to fruit juice earlier on in my pregnancy, I was walking 2-3 miles a day with my dog until 2 weeks ago, I eat weetabix religiously for breakfast, and was eating fruit daily - I was still constipated and spent a week in tears before I finally gave in and saw the doctor.

She put me onto lactulose which is a natural sugar solution, and within 48 hours I was "going" again, much to mine and my bodies relief. Now I only use it when I need to, as dont want to be become dependant on it, but if anyone is really suffering and tried everything else I recommend you speak to your doctor!
Elliebelle look how big your baby's getting....4 lbs!!!


How are you feeling?
ejjie said:
Elliebelle look how big your baby's getting....4 lbs!!!


How are you feeling?

I know and he sure feels like he weighs a lot, and wriggles around constantly!!!

Im feeling ok thanks hun, although my body feels like it belongs to someone much older these days, and aches everytime I move, but all in all still pretty well.

Hope you are enjoying your pregnancy, and that the sickness isnt too bad :hug:
Enjoy every minute it goes so quickly!!
It sounds weird but I want it to go quickly, I'm desperate to be past 12 weeks and telling everybody, buying stuff etc. I feel in limbo at the moment - like there's no way I can be pregnant I look the same. I keep doing tests, must have done about 20 so far which is ridiculous but I keep on doing them!
I'm desperate so I'll try fruit juice! although I am sure it won't work. My Dr actually recommended eating an orange instead of it's juice but it makes me feel :puke:

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