I wish I could have.....

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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A big crusty baguette STUFFED full of Pate. With lashings of mayo and iceberg lettuce, with a nice glass of red wine to accompany it.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm GOD my mouth is watering now!!!

What do you wish you could have but cant? (George Clooney would be my other one but I doubt Id get him even if wasnt preggers and a married lady!!!) :rotfl: :rotfl:
i want soft cheese on french bread with a glass of wine!!
freezing cold can of fosters.... mmmmmmmmm
my labour bag wont have any clothes in, just a six pack :lol:
a couple of nice pints of lager... and a nice Runny egg sandwich .. yummie....
A nice southern comfort with lime and lemonade and a big shell fish platter :D
midna said:
Kimbo said:
freezing cold can of fosters.... mmmmmmmmm
my labour bag wont have any clothes in, just a six pack :lol:

LMAO same!! :rotfl:
if anyone opens a can near me, im like a dog sniffing it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
A runny fried egg then the bagette J-Do said, a tub of soft cheese with smoked salmon bits in (with a spoon) then I'd prob smoke myself ill. I really do miss the cigs :( I thought I'd be off the sticks for ever but I don't see it happening :(
Nevermind only 3 months (more or less) to go !!
first id wake up with a strong coffee and a fag (gave up weeks ago)

then id go to pub for lunch and have southern comfort and coke, then a malibu and coke, then a cider and black.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, drooling now
i had dippy egg this morning :oops: wasnt really dippy , and the white was cooked proper but just had a lil bit to dip my soldiers into :oops:
Peanut butter on toast

I have the odd glass of wine and beer - but would love four big dirty pints of heineken
ella said:
Peanut butter on toast

I have the odd glass of wine and beer - but would love four big dirty pints of heineken

i ate this all the time when pregnant :rotfl:
I'm terrible, I must admit....I ignore all the things that you "shouldn't have"...if you're the type of person who can be ill from these things then I suppose you should avoid them, but I had a brie and bacon pannini the other week and it was luuuuurvely!

I've had 1 glass of wine and I think 2 glasses of champagne since being pregnant (not all together!!) and would very much like to consume much more than that (all together!!). I was drooling over a cocktail list the other day too, just dreaming about how good one of them would taste!

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