I want my baby (weep, weep)


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2008
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:( :( I am in such a silly mood, due day today and no signs of anything, its so silly as i know only 5% babies turn up on d day but i keep seeing all these pics of beautiful babies and makes me cry, i want mine now too and im getting so down with the waiting, i just want my baby!

congrats to all births though, i'mnot that mean, just feeling abit teary today, family keep checking up and telling me little one has to be here for xmas and i just feel like saying bugger off everyone!

BIG SIGH :shakehead:
awwwww luv i know how u feel my last was the same 4 days over i went be he decided to come into this world sure it wont be long luv :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: I'm sure your LO will be here soon... I remember every day over feeling like another month bless you :hug:

Jane x
Im sure your LO will be here very soon.......just think how warm and snug he/she must be to want to stay inside for a little longer!! :hug: :hug:
Aww hun i know how you feel as i felt the same. I kept seeing everyone have their babies but nothing was happening for me. Your LO will be here within 2 weeks so try and keep your chin up.

Claire x
Aww hun Im sure your LO will come soon! Ive got ages but with all these girls having their babies its making me really want mine here now :(
I'm due today too and no sign of baby and have spent the morning crying coz I want the baby so you are not alone...... :hug:
thanks for all kind replies, still no movements yet!! am seeing mw tomorrow anyway so perhaps that'll scare baby into moving once she starts on about sweeps etc!! am feeling a little more positive today but hugs to all ladies inthe same position :hug: :hug:

May have to disconnect the phone though to stop mother/MIL ringing everyday!!

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