I need some advice please :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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My little sis is 36 weeks pg. I have been speaking to her tonight and she sounds really frightened about the whole child birth thing, it is really starting to worry her. I love her soo much that I am really sad that she is so scared and there is very little I can do to reassure her. I have not been through childbirth and I live 300 miles away, so I can't be with her.

I wanted to send her something personal from me to let her know I was thinking of her and don't want her to be frightened...something she can take with her when she goes into labour (ok, I know a poxy trinket will be no substitute for an epidural, but it is important to me to let her know I care about her.)

I was thinking about a crystal, maybe I could get it charged with positive energy to help her feaal less fearful. Does anyone know if I can do something like that? What sort of crystal would be best? Where do you get them from? How do you charge them?

Or does anyone have any other ideas of what I can do to let her know how much I care about her in this frightening, but exciting time?

Any advice would really really be appreciated

i odnt have ne ideas hun but just wanted to say
u sound so loverly my sis just laughed at me wen i was worried about it so well done

where bouts does she live to be 300 miles away lol
dont know a lot bout crystals and stuff but sounds like a lovely idea hun, im sure she will love it help her take her mind off it all :hug: :hug:
Happybunny said:

My little sis is 36 weeks pg. I have been speaking to her tonight and she sounds really frightened about the whole child birth thing, it is really starting to worry her. I love her soo much that I am really sad that she is so scared and there is very little I can do to reassure her. I have not been through childbirth and I live 300 miles away, so I can't be with her.

I wanted to send her something personal from me to let her know I was thinking of her and don't want her to be frightened...something she can take with her when she goes into labour (ok, I know a poxy trinket will be no substitute for an epidural, but it is important to me to let her know I care about her.)

I was thinking about a crystal, maybe I could get it charged with positive energy to help her feaal less fearful. Does anyone know if I can do something like that? What sort of crystal would be best? Where do you get them from? How do you charge them?

Or does anyone have any other ideas of what I can do to let her know how much I care about her in this frightening, but exciting time?

Any advice would really really be appreciated


send her a lemon and a big melon.

the lemon symoblises her tuppence and the melon the babies head!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

that should comfort her! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


aww sounds like a lovely idea maybe get her a stress reliver and some warm socks my feet got cold during labour but go with your heart hunxxx :hug:
Sarah&Braydon said:
i odnt have ne ideas hun but just wanted to say
u sound so loverly my sis just laughed at me wen i was worried about it so well done

where bouts does she live to be 300 miles away lol

aww thanks hon,

I live in Newcastle, she is in Guildford. There is no way I can get time away from work to be with her :(

Naughty Budge!!!!! :rotfl:
a crystal sounds like a lovely idea.
i'm 36 weeks and frightened too, and just knowing my loved ones are there for me helps.
if my boyf or my sister gave me even a pencil (or any old random object) and told me it had positive energy or something it'd help me psychologically!
aw bless you shes lucky to have a sister like you :hug:

Try here http://www.easycrystals.co.uk/associationpages/Childbirth.html

the crystals are VERY cheap and you can get them in lovely little pouches.

If you buy one, you will need to cleanse it of energies it picked up at the store and on route, and then charge it, before sending it to her, but this is really easy :)

To cleanse it, put it outside somewhere where it will catch the moonlight overnight. There are many ways of cleansing but as it is to do with childbirth this is the best way I think.

To charge it, you dont need any magical powers lol, just light a white candle, hold the crystal in your dominant hand and gaze into the candle flame visualising your sister having a calm and trouble free labour. When you feel you have done enough, snuff out the candle (its important you dont blow it out) and put the crystal into its pouch to stay there until opened by your sister.

Hope that helps :hug:
The crystal sounds lovely - could I also suggest something else? As you can't be there how about a CD of happy songs that you choose for her to listen to in early labour..it's kind of a way of you being there :D
My sister found a lovely Good Luck card, and wrote a lovely message in it about how proud she was of me, how she knew I would be fine, and she would be there with me in spirit holding my hand etc, it made me cry and I took it to the hozzie with me...

I dont know if its a bit late, but I got a hynobirthing cd off internet as I was so terrified of child birth, it helped me-I used to listen to it several times a week from around 30 weeks but they say it can work even if you just listen to it the once..It was quick delivery of the cd, its around £16 I think...heres the link:


I was a bit dubious to see if it could work, but I can honestly say once I got to the hozzie, I was amazed how calm I remained during my 2 day induction.

You sound like me and my sis-we are very close but I am lucky coz she livs around the corner from me :hug:
Wow, GGG thank you soo much. I am going to look at that site now and see if I can get her a crystal...I will do what you recommended too...I know she will like it, thank you so much, your advice is really helpful!!

Thank you Zoe too...I am going to try and get the CD to help her...I thought about a card too because I am really proud of her, she is going to be the bestest mum ever!! :)

I love this forum, thanks everyone !!! :hug: :hug:

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