I got a job...


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Now I don't want it lol I was only temp at my last job and my maternity pay stopped 2 weeks ago so thought I'd hunt for a part time job and I got offered one yesterday. Now I'm so nervous, it's a 9 hour contract and typically they asked how flexible I was and I said I didn't want to do more than 16 a week and they called with my hours today and I'm starting straight on 16 next week, doing 11-3 Mon-Thurs. I don't mean to sound whiny/lazy/ungrateful because I expected the overtime, but not straight away :( I'm already dreading it, we wouldn't struggle on just OHs wage but I got so worried when my money stopped I felt I had to go back :S
Why are u dreading it babe? Leaving angel?x
What will you be doing?x
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Yeah just leaving her for that long. I won't get back to her till 3.30pm and she usually has a nap then till around 5, I give her tea at 6 and then bath bottle bed I just feel like I'd be missing out :S the only good thing is I've got a great childminder, Angel has been to her once every 2 weeks for a while now in preparation for me going back to work and I can't fault her but, I know this sounds silly but I'm scared Angel will start to prefer her over me? Argh I know that sounds silly but I'm scared of that :( it's just shop work hun, only here till Feb then we're moving anyway xx
Aw babe it doesn't sound silly at all! She will always know who her mummy is!! And love her the most! :hug: it's great you've taken the time to get a good childminder and let angel get to know her :)
Its good to have some time away from being a mum.. Think of it as a positive thing rather than a negative.. She will be used to other people looking after her which will make nursery easier and leaving her with people while you have some mummy time :) clingy kids are hard work lol!!!
I'm sure once you've settled into it you'll feel better... The first few days will be the hardest.. :hug:
Congratulations I think :) xx
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Aw babe it doesn't sound silly at all! She will always know who her mummy is!! And love her the most! :hug: it's great you've taken the time to get a good childminder and let angel get to know her :)
Its good to have some time away from being a mum.. Think of it as a positive thing rather than a negative.. She will be used to other people looking after her which will make nursery easier and leaving her with people while you have some mummy time :) clingy kids are hard work lol!!!
I'm sure once you've settled into it you'll feel better... The first few days will be the hardest.. :hug:

Thanks JM, sorry for delay!! Yeah I really like her childminder, she's great with her and she keeps this book with her and writes down exactly what Angel has done, how her mood was, how many nappies etc etc and it really reassures me to know usually Angel has a lot of fun :p I am looking forward to it, just to be working and earning money so I'm gonna give it a good chance :) I think as well the childminder lives like 10 houses away from me and it'll be weird actually being away from her iykwim lol xx
aww thats completly normal to feel like that, m dreading going back to work too

she will always know your her mammy no matter how much fun she has during the day x if after few weeks your still struggling have a chat with ur boss and say 9 hours is all u can do

re u moving far? if its far enough that u need a new childminder defo no need to worry anyway lol
aww thats completly normal to feel like that, m dreading going back to work too

she will always know your her mammy no matter how much fun she has during the day x if after few weeks your still struggling have a chat with ur boss and say 9 hours is all u can do

re u moving far? if its far enough that u need a new childminder defo no need to worry anyway lol

Thanks hun, I'm only really going back for the money, not necessarily because I want to. Yeah my OH said that about just doing the 9 hours, I do think it's really unfair how they ask you to be fully flexible, especially when the only jobs going are shop ones round here!! We're in Ireland at the moment and moving back to England in Feb so yeah will defo need a new one then :p xx
god ur lucky to even have found a shop job, were irish living in iom and have been looking at moving home since the baby but we just cant find any jobs at all that we could live on back there

Sure see how it goes and you might enjoy the extra few hours adult conversation once you get used to leaving her x
Aww!! That's lovely that she writes it all down!!! Can't she come with you when u move?? lol!!!!
So glad your looking forward to it now :cheer:
Well done on the job! Know how you feel Im dreading leaving Kynon in Sept but I guess it will be good for us!
Aww hugsy that sucks :( there was a massive dry spell here where there was nothing available, but there's a few new shops open in this outlet and I just got lucky I guess, I got turned down from two places because I didn't consider myself fully flexible. I know my post may have sounded really ungrateful think it just hit me that I'm not gonna be with her 24/7 anymore and I was like ahh crap lol. JM I wish she could come with me lol that's gonna be hard finding a new childminder who I trust as much as her lol. She's also got a 2 year old daughter and looks after my friends son too so Angel has little playmates :) Thanks Sarah :) I was originally gonna wait a year but my maternity pay stopped about a month ago and I just wanted a bit more security for her iykwim and I thought while there's lots of jobs going I may as well try my luck :) xx
Ah god i didnt mean it in a you should be bloody gratefull way lol just meant yaii for you things are so crap :) but still pants that your gonna miss your bubba
Ah god i didnt mean it in a you should be bloody gratefull way lol just meant yaii for you things are so crap :) but still pants that your gonna miss your bubba

Oh I know hun don't worry lol I just re-read my first post back and was a bit worried I came across as a bit whiny lol :p I'm gonna give it a good chance and hopefully if I do decide 16 hours is too much for now I'll ask if they can just do the 9 :) eek nervous now lol xx
Ah good luck hun! It's always gonna b hard to start off with but u will adjust and great bonus on good childcare! I have to go back start of October, 3 full time days and am scared coz I struggle to leave Ethan for babysitting now! Guess u just have to think its a good opportunity and nothing is forever- if it doesn't work out u can always leave! Fx it all for a well xx

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