I feel YUK


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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:x I feel horrible. I've lost all my baby 'weight' but my belly is just like jelly. My skin is still playing up and my hair looks awful because I just don't have the time (or inclination) to spend an hour trying to make it look right.

:? I've never had really low self esteem before- obviously like everyone else I have my hangups but lately but the last week I have been making an effort to hide myself from my OH when I get undressed and I feel like evryone is looking at me when I go out with E; thinking "Eugh, look at her".

:doh: It's stupid. I know that the chances are no-one is looking at me at all, and my OH couldn't care less about my belly but I can't stop feeling like it.

I want to be like all the other 19/20 year old girls I know and have a tanned, toned midriff and a killer cleavage... but I know now I've had a bby it just won't happen. :( I love her to bits but when she's older I'll tell her how she's ruined me! :roll: :wink:

:x Rant Over.
Mine went back so don't worry it's still early days :D I bet you look gorg anyway :cheer:
OMG your LO is only 3 weeks hun, give yourself a break!! It takes a full year for the body to recover from pregnancy, I'm not saying it will take you half that long but hormoes, skin etc, it all takes time you have just put your body through it's toughest job ever.....don't knock yourself for having jelly belly still, My LO is now 9 months old and I'm only just getting sorted out now, I couldn't care less earlier on wanted to enjoy my newborn and what not and now he's older it's easier as I spend all day chasing him around etc, going on walks, exploring and what ever. Oh and as for make up etc, I lost all interest in that for months.....about 3 weeks ago I put on eyeshadow and mascara for the first time since mid-pregnancy, hehehe just couldn't be bothered, enjoy being a new mum, the killer body will return, promise, you still have a teeny tiny newborn!! :hug:
Don't worry, it'll go back, you just have to be patient 8) I know what you mean though....at my age..and yours as your not that much older...so many people look so damn good :lol: and here we are with bodies totally changed by pregnancy etc.

For the first few months I felt like I was never going to look normal again..I'd lost the weight but not the shape IYKWIM, and felt crap...then decided not to worry about it more than I could help, after all it was winter and I have never been one to show off the ole flesh anyway, I don't even like my arms being bare...not because I don't like the way i look or anything, just because.... :roll:

But now my stretchmarks have faded loads...and I'm getting a SHAPE back, aka I HAVE A WAIST!...due to lots of walking etc the jellyness of my belly is slowly receding and i feel much better.

Like Nicola said, you have to give it longer than 3 weeks. it's a slow healing process, but you'll get there. Right now you don't have time for yourself, of course not- you have a newborn! Once she gets a bit older you'll have more time to do yourself up.

Just don't get into the trap of feeling ashamed of your body because that could potetnially lead to other more serious issues- just strip off and prance round naked, it'll give you a boost of confidence :lol:

And of course people are still looking at you, but in a good way! You've lost all your baby weight, which loads of people don't right away, and I bet there are tons of people thinking, wow, what a lovely mother and baby, and look, that lucky cow is back to her normal size already :lol:
you silly mare! the first thing i thought when i saw you after having evie, is it was a good thing i saw you heavly pregnant, as i wouldn't have believed you had only just given birth two weeks previous.

it takes 9 months to change your body shape to carry and have a baby - it takes 9 months to get back to normal (or in my case, 17 months and counting!! :rotfl: ).

I'm the same chick especially now summer is coming and all the girls are wearing belly revealing tops. Just think tho, they'll be just the same once they've had a baby, and really... would you prefer the killer body or the baby... I just take one look at Ryan to know it's all worth it. I'm 23 by the way so know how you feel :D
What you're feeling is completely natural and normal!! We've all been there! But try not to worry about it, you're only 3 weeks in and you'll be amazed the difference that another 3 weeks will make!

Take each day at a time and you'll soon feel better, I remember this happening to me when the initial excitement of a new baby starts fading and visitors stop coming round so much, OH goes back to work etc. and you start to settle into a "normal" routine. But you do settle and you start to feel good about yourself. It just takes time.
Hey luv,
I'm only just back to my pre-pregnancy weight/shape.

My belly could do with a couple of crunches and I could use a bit of my belly flab put back into my boobs, but hey, it took 9 months for my body to get like that, it'll take 9 months min for it to get back!

I find a trip to the hairdresser, a fake tan and 10 mins to put on a bit of slap and I feel amazing!

Mind you, that might also be down to me ending it with the twazzock :think: :rotfl:

shes only 3 weeks old give urself a break! :lol: :hug:

i bet u look hot anyway!

it was 6 months before my belly-jelly completely went, but even now altho there's no fat, the skin is still a bit loose if i scrunch it all up it goes wrinkley! but im not gonna walk around scrunching up my belly am i so no-one can tell but me! :lol:

big hugs :hug:

*edit* please dont end up like me 11 months later :( :hug:

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