i cant find this anywhere...


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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...I cant remember what my cycles were like before going on the pill but im sure they were 28 days. After coming off the pill there upto 41. Is that normal? Some one told me its not and it worried me a bit. Cant find it on google :roll:
depends what you call normal :? A woman's cycles vary from woman to woman - there's certainly others on here with long cycles, and as long as you're oving (which you know you are :D ) then it may just be normal for you. If you're worried go and ask the doctor just to put your mind at ease :hug:
Mine varied from 28 days to 42 days and i had stupidly convinced myself i was pregnant only to get a BFN! I was worried about long cycles so spoke to the doctor about it and they suggested Agnus Castus to help regulate my cycles. Might be worth talking to your GP Jenna?
iv bought some Agnus Castus im going to be useing it next cycle. I just dont get why your cycles get longer when you come off the pill. Iv tried looking it up on google and it says the side effects and stuff, just cant see it saying that it'll make your cycles longer when you come off it. I wish i never went on the friggin pill :x
believe me the depo injection is much worse! It can make you infertile :shock: and I was on it for 2 years!
why do they never tell you this?
When i went on the pill she asked my age, weight, height, family illnesses. And even after i told her my parents and grandparents had high blood pressure and colesteral she let me go on the pill!! :shock: Why ask if you arnt going to do anything? she should have never let me go on it anyway. :roll:
Babylicious said:
believe me the depo injection is much worse! It can make you infertile :shock: and I was on it for 2 years!

I was on that crap for 18mths. never again. It made me put on loads of weight (that I've still not lost) and made me depressed.
ironically I was on it for 18 months too, amd I didn't have a period for over a year after coming off it :shock:
I came off it and hadn't had a period within 6 mths so went on the pill and my periods came back then. Maybe thats why my cycles are all over the place still :? .
My 16 year old niece's doctor has been trying to get her to have the depo injection. He didn't mention the side effects either, I told her to stay well away :x
If the depo had no side effects it'd be brill for young people! Maybe she will suit it. But when I was on depo I just bled/ had huge amounts of brown discharge for months :x

One of the ladies had an implant thing, maybe you could look into the pro's and con's of that for your niece?

I had a severe reaction to a hormone tablet I took for my skin (called a pseudotumour, symptoms mimic a brain tumour, it's quite rare.) so would be loathe to take the pill again.
That sounds quite scary Katyk! So the that hormone pill gives you symptoms of a brain tumour?! :shock: :shock:

The reason why I was worried about my niece having depo is she already has problems with food. I'm sure she's verging on anorexia as she hardly ever eats and is so thin. If she put on loads of weight with depo I'm sure she'd be even more relunctant to eat :(
I had a friend who was taking a certain sort of pill (they had to change as their old one had stopped her periods all together) and she came into work one day not being able to communicate properly, she had a banging headache and any time she went to speak her words were slured and she wasn't making much sense. She went to see the works doctor who told her those were the early warning signs of a stroke and to stop the pill she was on immidiately. She's not been on one since, they just use Condoms. But she was only 23 at the time this happened.

I really think these days people have to be so careful with what they entrust the medical profession to give them. As a lot of the time, they'll give you whatever brand is being pushed by the sales reps that month!

As for Depo, i wouldn't give it to a dying dog personally! Thing is, at least with a pill that you take every day, you can stop it immidiately and the effects only take a couple of days to wear off at the most. But with the injection (my sister had it and did nothing but bleed the whole time she was on it) you haven't got any control over just stopping it. Not good.

Personally though, i don't see why they seem to push the pill on young girls. They should be trying to promote Safe sex, not just worry about pregnancy. If they promoted safe sex and proper use of condoms, they wouldn't have to worry about the pregnancies and the rate of STD's would drop dramatically.

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