How's your Summer Hols So far?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Anyone ready for September? :lol:

We're having a fab time :D:D

We've been to the farm loads, swimming a few times, to the park, Mason has had friends around to play. We've done painting, play-doh, sticking and other crafty stuff.

Our latest things is Bugs :lol: If you saw the thread I made on our new pet you'll know what I mean.
Mason already has a bug hunting kit, with a magnifying glass, little pot and a clear container and everything :D After the caterpillar arrived and I was trying to find out what it was I decided to get some books, so far we have 4 :oops:
It's been great, we go out in the garden everyday (Brody absolutely LOVES it) we go into the garden and lift the rocks and try to identify what we see, and Mason puts a little sticker next to the bugs in the book we've found. Soon we're gonna go to a place with ponds and stuff and look for dragonflies and pond skaters.
One night soon we're going to set up a white sheet and a bright light for moths too (when the moth book arrives ;))

So....what have you lot been up to? Maybe we could post pics in here of our older kids doing stuff?
our has been brill, Kieron starts college in sept, we have been bowling, swimming to the farm and out to the local parks and things.
August is a busy month for us it was kierons birthday yesterday and we went to a theme park, its mine on monday, Hannahs on the 20th and then i get married on the 23rd so sort of meeting myself coming backwards :rotfl:
Well we havent done that much really, we have been to Bridlington for the day, they tend to go out with there mates quite a bit, Morgan is only 12 so she sticks with us so i take her swimming and shopping and stuff like that, she has been to Hull today with her big sister to do some shopping and we are off to a farm next week (for me! i love farms) but apart from that its been in the pool mucking about!
We've been to big fun, all the parks nearby. Despite working I manage to keep Paris occupied with making necklaces, stitching, painting, she also likes helping around the house :)
can i post in here :D
Tyler my brother is 6 but stays with me 4days a week
so hes like my own.

we went to the transport museum the other day he loved it
free to get in and it was loads of fun.
swimming last week,

Tyler is mad on dinosores he knows so much about them has all the books i really want to take him somewhere to see the bones etc any ideas? i heard there was somewhere in birmingham
Its been quite good this hols,ussually we only go out once or twice.
We've been southend a few times,even though we spent most of the time in the theme park.
I took kylie and dylan swimming seen as I finnally found one of them rubber rings for babies.
I took kylie and dylan to a farm.

But freddie wanted to go out with his mates more.He starts collage in september,painting and decorating.
no problems here - although I've had to work a lot these holidays Josh has been happy to either come into work with me or be dropped off at skating instead :D The good weather has helped though.

We haven't been able to have many days out becuase of work, but managed a day trip a few weeks ago. he was meant to be away for a week with a friend this week, but refused to go because of his new cousin arriving :D

We are going away just for 5 days soon, can't go for a week becuase of work - there's noone to cover me so I have to be there at weekends :(
My little man is three but he's still on holiday as he went to nursery 5 days a week.
So far we have been camping....kind of,
Metro land, swiming, railway museam at York, steam day at Tanfield railway and the local village show where he held some owls and other birds of prey. we're going to the cinema on Thursday and a farm soon. Our weather is not spectacular just yet so no beach just yet...but soon :pray:

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