How soon after m/c can you fall pregnant?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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As the title says, is it possible to fall pregant within a month of a m/c?
It is certainly possible.

Some people say that you are more fertile after a miscarriage so can catch again really quickly.

Other people say that you may not ovulate the first month after a miscarriage.

If you feel ready to try again straight away then good for you. I tried again straight away and got Pg on my 3rd cycle.

Good Luck :pray:

hey Kirsty,
i had a m/c in May this year at about 4-5 weeks, i got pregnant in my next cycle (june) and so far everything is going peachy. So i guess im proof that you can get pregnant on your next cycle after m/c, that is assuming you feel mentally and psyically ready to get pregnant, and that you don't just want to have another baby to make up for the loss of another.
hi yes it is same happened to me i had m/c end of may then had no a/f inbetween so the scaned me at 7 weeks to check i had complete m/c and there was a 7 week old bean wiyh heart beat so it is possible to fall straight away. good luck xx
I had a suspected m/c on 1st April, hadnt had a BFP but bleed really heavy with cramps and clotting (sorry if TMI but I am normally really light periods with no pain).... I got my BFP on 30th April so must of fell pregnant straight away :shock:

Good luck xxxxxxx
Thanks for all your help!

Im not going to say too much at the minute but I have all the same symptoms and feel exactly how I did when I last fell pregnant, I remember as it was only a month or so ago! Going to wait for AF but hopefully it wont show up!
Thanks, not sure when AF is due cos of the m/c but I did a test the other day cos I really feel pregnant and it was negative, i weed on it and at first it didnt even do anything, didnt soak through or anything so 5 minutes later I weed on it again and it was negative. I think it would've showed up if there was any chance I could be pregnant though so its back to square 1 :roll: :)
not necessarily....test again in a few more days if you still feel pg x
Hi Kirsty,

Just so you know if your test didnt bring up the control line the first time it was a faulty test, so weeing on it again wouldnt make a difference the result doesnt stand either way. i would do another one

good luck, hope you get the bfp you are hoping for. sending baby dust your way

Kirsty, that sounds so promising!

Are you going to test again? Hope this is for you!!

Wow Kirsty I do hope you get your BFP this month!!

Like others have said it may be too soon, id count at least 6 weeks from your MC then test and you will definately get an accurate result by then.

Il be looking out for your little announcement!

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