how is everyone?

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Hi guys just wanted to see and make sure that everyone is ok and welcome to those who have just joined our forum even though it might not have been in the best circumstances?

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I have just got back from the docs. He gave me a sick note for 2 weeks. I cant imagine going back to work in 2 weeks!! I just want to focus and me and of course my better half.

I am feeling ok whilst at home but i get a bit nervous when i go out. I still look pg as i put weight on and my normal trousers are too small. Just hoping i can get back on track asap but am staying postive.

Hi Sazzle

I was talking with my DH about you last night (hope you don't mind). I find it helps me to talk things over with him.

Take the chance to be with your OH for these 2 weeks - is he off with you? Don't worry about going out, try to take small steps towards normality. Sending you big, big hugs.

Peanut xxx

Yea he is off work. He was supposed to go back to work (works away during the week) today but i started to get very upset as he was leaving for the airport. The more i tried to act ok the worse it got and in the end he decided to stay off work until the start of next week.

He is being fab!!!


:hug: :hug: :hug:

Just wanted to reassure you that your GP prob won't expect you to go back to work so soon. Mine just wanted to see me every two weeks to make sure that i was improving with my mood and so that they could make sure i was getting the help and support i needed. Its prob the same for you that they just want to keep a check on you.

Hope that makes sense.

Thinking about you during this time.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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