How do you know how far along you are?!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Do you count it from the last day of your period? if so, it will be from my M/C which ended on the 15th Jan!?

anyone help? :think:
It is usually from your last period, but not sure if that will be the same in your situation.

Congrats by the way hun... really happy for you!!

BTW you better change that ticker (once you've figured out your dates!!!!)
I also replied to your other post

It's the first day of your last period or your ovulation date. Since you had a mc, you could take the first day you bled? Do you have any idea when you ovulated?

here's a link you can use:
does that look any good hun

First Day of Last Period 11/1/2008

Estimated Ovulation Date 25/1/2008

Beginning of Second Trimester 04/04/2008

Beginning of Third Trimester 27/06/2008

Estimated Due Date 17/10/2008

Today is Monday February 25th 2008.
You conceived on Friday January 25th 2008
and your due date is Friday October 17th 2008.

31 days have passed since the conception,
and you are 235 days before your due date.

You are 6 weeks into your pregnancy,
and you have 34 weeks to go.

You are in the 1st trimester.

12% of your pregnancy has passed, there is 88% left to go.
My last period was 17th January and my EDD us 23rd October.

If your bleeding was two days before mine then you should be due 2 days before me on 21st October.

You'll get a proper date at your first dating scan anyway
I would go by the first day of your bleeding, but bare in mind that when you have a scan the date may go back a few days.

I'm so happy for you :D
You'll be six weeks tomorrow, your first scan may give or take a few days depending on when you oved.

I became preg after my first mc straight away and I was only a few days out.

Many congrats!

I m/c in November and caught again straight away without a period in between. Was told to use the first day of bleeding from m/c as my LMP, which I did. But as it's not actually a period, you have to be prepared that your dates may well change as they cannot pinpoint your cycle from a m/c. Your dates will only ever be an estimate until you have a scan anyway and they measure the foetus, I got put back a week after my scan x

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