

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2008
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I found out yesterday that I am a few weeks pregnant with my second child.. my son is ten in June so tis quite a big age gap but we are all very excited never the less :)

I'm 34 and live in Somerset with my son and boyfriend and two dogs :)

Hope to contribute some over the coming months :)

Love n Sunshine

Fly xxx
welcome and congrats hun , i have 14 years between my 2 so dont worry
Thankyou Mary :)

I am quite lucky really cos have got a friend who has a gap of 12 years between her two youngest and another young friend who is 10 years older than his little brother so my son already has two friends who he can talk to about big gaps.. oh and his "girlfriend" who lives next door to nanna and grandad has quite a few years between her and her little sister :) it seems it not that unusual these days eh :)

My son's stepmum is pregnant aswel - poor little man has gone all these years moanin bout wantin a baby brother or sister and now he gettin two in the same year!!! hahahaha i said to him yesterday he won't get any escape from babies :shock: not even when he goes to see his Dad :rotfl:
Hi Fly! :wave:

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Aww your son bless him! He'll have a big ol' family once babies are born then!

Ello everyone, thankyou for all the welcomes :) This is a lovely forum am already hooked :D :hug: xxxx
Hello :wave: and congrats!! Bet you've forgotten how to do baby stuff in the time since your last!
(But your still more experienced than me as a first-timer :D )
Thankyou Kazz and Cinammon xxx

well as it happens cinammon i have had rather alot of practice this last 12 months with little ones :) One of my soul sisters had her 4th baby at the back end of last year - it was a bit sketchy at first holding a tiny newborn again but only for a few moments... i realised that babies are a bit like bikes... once u have done it once.. it all kinda comes flooding back :dance:

Then another close female friend was pregnant through the 9 months leading up to me gettin pregnant.. she was havin her little boy as we were makin our bean :cheer: That was an amazing pregnancy to be part of. I went to the 20 week scan with her and her partner who is one of my best friends and it was beautiful - i cried and they laughed at me but it was a beautiful moment i shall never forget and feel so very priveledged to have been part of.

Even more beautiful though was how in synch i became with my friend.. I am an Okuden level Usui reiki practicioner so am very sensitive to other people's pain and being in close geographical proximity meant that I felt every single bloomin strong braxton hick that turned into labour.. and i went through it with her. It was wonderful if not bloomin painful :lol: Unfortunatley she was only allowed one person at a time in with her to labour in hospital, so her mum and partner were with her in shifts and i came home again.. and i sent lots of reiki and happened to be at work as she entered second stage - had to grab hold of the lottery machine and just breathe... I think I will have to make a seperate post about it all on here cos it was an amazing experience - doing reiki on her through contractions before we went to hospital - using the reiki to bring the contractions on strong and regular - it was amazing - the most educational experience of my entire life...

I am so looking forward to learning more about reiki through my pregnancy - I have already had some lovely intimate moments with my tiny little bean - the universe never ceases to amaze me :)

As a second time mum to a first time mum... the biggest peice of advice i could ever give is to trust your instincts and your intuition because nobody knows your body or your baby before or after it is born better than you xxx

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