

Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2006
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I was wondering if anyone could help
When i found out i was pregnant i applied for my SMP i handed in my MATB1 form a wrote a letter with my dates i intended to start maternity leave on, as i had been with my emplyer for more than 26 weeks. i was sent a letter that said i would get paid at 100% of my weekly earnings for the first 6 weeks and 90% for the other 20 weeks. i was to reply to this letter with my date for maternity leave to confirm it. That was about a month ago and i have heard nothing bck from them. i started my maternity leave a week ago and i am only contracted to 16 hours at my workplace so i only earn £77 a week. i read somewhere that you had to earn at least £84 to claim SMP, why had nobody told me this and now im scared that ive already started my maternity leave i won't get paid for it.
sorry this is so long but im so worried as im struggling with money enough and with a new baby it'll be much worse. What should i be claiming? can somebody help me im so confused :cry:

thanx a lot love lou n bump xxx
Is your £77 take home pay? The £84 limit is before tax, so you may qualify if the £77 is before tax / NI.

If you don't qualify, you will probably be able to get Maternity Allowance. I applied for MA after I'd started my leave and they back dated it. MA is 90% of your pay for the whole 6 months, capped at £108.85.

If you havn't had anything go into your bank account from them, I'd be giving them a shove up the bum.
i dont know as i get paid mothly i dont know if its before tax wen maternity leave starts when should you get ur first payment roundabout and i could check if anything goes in and if it doesnt how can i claim MA?

love lou n bump xx
To work out your weekly take home pay, look at the 'Net Pay' figure on your last 6 pay slips, add them all up for the last 6 months and divide by 26.

I think SMP is paid in the same way as your wages were - if you got paid at the end of the month into a bank account, that's how SMP gets paid. I'd give the job centre a ring though and find out what's going on.

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