hi everyone, bet you've fogotten me


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Hi everyone how are you all? god i cant believe so many more of you have had your little ones. well the last time i wrote in i was in hospital being induced to have alfie. he will be six weeks old tomorrow and i am sorry i havent been on to update you all or put any pictures on. these 6 weeks have been so hectic, the first 3 weeks i was in no state to do anything, i developed an infection that my MW ignored when i gave her my symptoms, luckily after a few days i had the sense to go to the hospital where they told me i was vey lucky because my infection could of turned into TSS because of some left over placenta! then alfie has had a couple of bouts of constipation so i have been grabbing every moment of sleep i can. He is great and so so funny, 21 hours of labour well worth it, just tried putting on a few pics of him, but am a bit daft when it comes to computers and cant do it. will work it out and post some on for you guys, as he is gorgeous and is now smiling. CONGRATULATIONS to all the other new mums, and i will try to be online more, we dont have the internet but are getting online soon so can spend moe time chatting to you lot.
Sorry and you are?? :think: lol ...joking :hug:

CONGRATULATIONS on your little one :cheer:

Bloody hell cant believe that about your MW ..what an idiot not spotting it :shakehead:

Glad your all sorted now though... take care and keep us updated :hug: xx
Congrats on baby Alfie!

Welcome back :wave:
congratulations and welcome to Alfie!

Can't wait to see the pics :cheer:
Hello Hun :wave:

Congratulations on the birth of Alfie.

Glad you are all ok now and look forward to seeing some pictures :hug:

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