help please husband made redundant

mrs h

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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well my husband has been made redundant today and i am 38 weeks pregnant and off on mat leave.cant believe this is happening, we are already struggling to stay afloat and i was having minimum mat leave off.What happens to his pat pay does anyone know are we still entitled if he starts work for an agency just to get us some money in for the time being.
We are just not going to manage as he will only get 2 weeks redundancy pay.can anyone help?
I'm really not sur ehunnie, I'd get onto your local CAB or Jobcentre, they might be able to help as regards benefits you may get now instead?
oh my how awful :( :hug:

ive never been in that situation so im afraid i have no advice to give you.
I hope he finds a new job son. There are plenty out there :hug:
Well i have phoned acas helpline and he loses pat he will have to find another job as soon as possible and he wont be able to have paid time off after the birth and im not sure how long he will be allowed off not that we can afford unpaid time off.I cant believe this is happening, we have just moved area and i wont even have my husband after the birth.All our family and friends live miles away and i feel like im on my own now.I really feel for my husband as he wont be able to spend time with his first child.
So sorry to hear that - it must be very worrying for you :hug:

I can't be sure but I think regarding paternity pay he has to claim it himself even if he's working for an agency, as he won't have been employed long enough by the agency to get it paid directly by them. I think CAB is probably the best place to call on this one.

Sorry to hear that news hun, not what you need at this important time in both your lives.

I cant offer any advice as I know nothing about redundancy but really hope your OH can find a new job as soon as possible. :hug:
im so sorry babe. get intouch with tax creits asap. dont no if you already get them, but if your earnings have dropped your tax credits will increase

chin up babe :hug:

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