Hey all you yummy mummies!! Glad to see you back Katt even though I haven't been on here for ages either really - really pathetic excuse, just been to knackered and I've been a bit run down as well
Yes looking forward to seeing some pics please!!!
Meet, where and when???
Mel love your new pics (ticker thingy) Thea looks so big I didn't recognise her at first!!!
Steph Alfie still sounds like a little tyke! But I can sympathis with you on the waking up in the night malarky as Otis has been doing the same, he ends up turning over onto his tummy and while start crying!!! However I've decide to not give in any more and just let him get on with it!!
So has any ones LO's got their first teeth as yet? Otis is still toothless eventhough I THINK he is on the verge of popping but then again I think we've all been thinking the samething for ages with all our LO's.
Katt sounds like you've got things sorted in terms of a routined social life in Denmark! Hope your hormones start to settle a bit I think I've been a bit the same as Otis is going a bit longer bewteen feeds and therefore I believe I've just got mi 'monthly's' back today actually! (is that good news or bads news? Probably to much news
If we don't manage to meet then hope you have a fab time in London!!!