hello ladies....

I had thought I hadnt seen you in a bit!! Where you been?

Busy TTC? :wink:
don't ever go again :hug:

must take you ages on a monday morning to catch up with all the posts from the weekend :)
Sam - i havent been on since last Tuesday LOL i have been off ill with blinkin tonsilitus(spel?) :( it was awful.

but im back now, and REALLY busy at work, so wont be coming on here as much today - but glad someone missed me! :lol:

hope you are all alright?

xxxxx :D xxxx :hug:
WB hun xxx

MissGobby said:
Sam - i havent been on since last Tuesday LOL i have been off ill with blinkin tonsilitus(spel?) :( it was awful.

but im back now, and REALLY busy at work, so wont be coming on here as much today - but glad someone missed me! :lol:

hope you are all alright?

xxxxx :D xxxx :hug:

:hug: poor thing
also... DF is getting banned from driving for speeding, yet AGAIN!! :roll: i give up with men, i really do....

...there i was enjoying a day out with my mam shopping when i get a call to say he has been caught speeding again, well that was my day out totally ruined, how dare he? :x lol

MissGobby said:
also... DF is getting banned from driving for speeding, yet AGAIN!! :roll: i give up with men, i really do....

...there i was enjoying a day out with my mam shopping when i get a call to say he has been caught speeding again, well that was my day out totally ruined, how dare he? :x lol


Mine has been caught twice!
He got 3 points first time, second time luckily he swindled it so his dad took the points or he would have got banned (good job he's got a nice dad!).

MEN :x :roll:
yeah well the cheeky beggar wanted me to take the wrap for it, and when i said no, he brought out the usual crap, 'you dont love me, you dont care, i would do it for you bla bla bla.... LOL, he asked his dad and his dad said no too, and im glad, as much as i love him (and i love him with all my heart!) we have told him time and time again not to speed, and this is what happens...hopefully he will have learnt his lesson, BUT his mate was going to get banned yet the army wrote the Court a letter explaining he needed his licence for his job and they let him off, so DF is going to do that and see if it works!!

if not, tought sh*t :lol:

awww i love him really lol :hug:
Haha sometimes they just gotta learn the hard way however much they hate it! :lol:

Dont blame ya for not taking points, i wouldnt either! I tell OH not to speed all the time but he doesnt listen... saying that what men do!

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