Hello I'm a newbie after advice please

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hello Everyone :wave: :wave: :wave:

I'm a newbie on the website and i'm after some advice really. I am not pregnant at the moment or trying to conceive. But my partner and i are getting married next July and he has dropped the unexpected bombshell that after we wed he would like to start trying for a baby.

We will both be 28 next summer and we have been together since we were 16 so relationship wise i feel we are stable and ready for this but my query is....

Is there anything i should be thinking about or doing in preparation for next summer when we start to try?

I am already dieting and exercising ready for the dreaded final wedding dress fitting so i know i am to keep up with that but is there anything else? I know there's some kind of supplement people recommend but what is it and how far in advance should i be taking it etc.

Also i currently have an IUD fitted and i'm also after advice about when i should consider having it removed - in advance or just before etc??

Sorry if i shouldn't have posted the queries in this section i was just struggling to find a categories i thought it applied to?

Hiya and welcome to the forum hun

the only thing i would sugest taking is Folic acid suplements as soon as you start TTC and for first 3 months of pregnancy

As for the IUD sorry dunno, but someone else might be along in a minute to tell you :D
Hiya and welcome.

Apparently, there is no delay after IUD removal, even one woth hormones.

I would leave it until you feel just about ready....you may not catch straight away anyway, you'd be very lucky if you did!

As far as suppliments, it can't hurt to start taking folic acid now. There's all sorts of pregnancy care ones, but as it's a long way off I'd just get straight folic acid, it'll be a lot cheaper.

Good luck when it does happen!
Hi Thanks for the replys :D

The reason i queried the timing of the removal of the IUD is that I have heard that although mentrual wise you can conceive straight away after an IUD is removed, phyically you should give the opening of the cervix time to adjust to its removal :? Has anyone else heard this. Its just one or two people who i know who have MC'd swear they think its due to the IUD they had fitted before they conceived? Again has anyone else heard this?

Thanks for the advice about folic acid i'll look at starting that ASAP.


Hiya I've looked on google and can't find anything on this, I'd talk to your doctor if you're worried, or what about having it taken out, then just using good old condoms for a few months?
hello and welcome,
I had a coil fitted and well the second time around i fell pregnant right away.... no delay..... I got the coil again and when removed it took less than 3 months again, but EVERYONE is different. I know there is the coil with a hormone in it but unfortunately I don't know if it would take a short time to leave your system? Good luck, Do what you think is right for you and yours. :)

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