Hello everyone


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Sorry not been about for a while but its manic city here at the mo. We finally have somewhere to live!!!!! Those of you who have been with me since first tri will remember my hormonal rants about our matchstick size mobile home and how we will never fit the baby in etc. Well i finally had enough and the weekend from last i saw a lovely chalet on Ebay and phoned the owner. It was well under our budget so i made the decision there and then to go to Cambridge to look at it. We left at 6pm and arrived about 11pm and checked into a travel inn for the night, i think Mr A was still a bit bewildered as he came home from work and had an atlas and a packed bag thrown at him and told to drive!!!!
We saw the chalet the next day and it was to die for so we left our deposit and came home. I have then had to arrange a big transport lorry to bring it from Cambridge to Wales, hire a transit van to go back up to Cambridge to collect furniture that came with the chalet and then get back to make sure it all arrived as it should.

It is now sat in the field next to our current home which Mr A is decorating ready to sell. We have 10 weeks left to redecorate this place, sell, remove from our land, place new chalet on, decorate nursery and unpack before bambino comes along.

I forgot to go to my GTT thingy so i got told off by consultant when i went to see her. Am now under her care for my SPD as night times are just horrific and im in so much pain! She also measured me as 32 weeks so has sent me for a growth scan. MW measured me at 28 weeks and i measured 28 weeks so not really too worried about it.

Hope everyone is well, am off to catch up on all the gossip now x
Ello hun :) buzy buzy buzy eh! had to laugh though where you said you threw OH his bag and said drive haha!! glad to hear its all comin together for you babe - loadsa love us lot xxx
Really hope all goes smoothly and quickly for you and you're all moved in and settled to start your family in your new home, very best wishes, try and take it easy too :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Ally :wave: Glad you are getting sorted. Not long to go for us now!!
Glad you got your housing situation sorted :cheer:

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