Hee hee....anyone remember this?

I have saved mine so that I can look back an see :rotfl: :rotfl:
Mine was...

After a labor lasting approximately 19 hours,

19 hours? Well my waters broke on the early hours of Friday morning and she wasn't born for another 60 hours. Officially I was only in established labour at around 4am on the Sunday so that was about 9 hours.

your child, a girl, will be born.


Your baby will weigh about 8 pounds, 6 ounces, and will be 20-1/2 inches long.

No idea exactly but I think she was a bit longer than that.

This child will have blue eyes and some blond hair.

Blue eyes yes. She had a LOT of light brown hair, not blonde.

Will be interested to see what it says for a second :lol:
The day you deliver, outside will be windy. Your baby will arrive in the morning.

After a labor lasting approximately 17 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and will be 19-1/2 inches long. This child will have hazel eyes and be completely bald.

But there is more. Although you may feel tired, your pregnancy will be over before you are truly ready to let go of having this precious baby you have all to yourself. I sense that you will look back and long for these days. I suggest doing something now to preserve some memories of this time. Many women enjoy making a belly cast. Perhaps you would be interested, too

Well She arrived in the afternoon?! It was probably windy (this is Britain lol) but dont remember it being too windy,

Well my waters broke at 7.30pm and she was born at 12.45pm the next day so..... OMG 17 hours 15 mins!??! :shock: lol (though I only got pains from 2.30am lol)

She is a girl

She was 7lbs 9.5 so close lol

She was 20 inches long

She very strangely had a hazel ring around her pupil which is odd as all babies are supposed to just have blue eyes arent they??? :think:

Shes not bald though! She has lovely hair! :D

Although you may feel tired, your pregnancy will be over before you are truly ready to let go of having this precious baby you have all to yourself. I sense that you will look back and long for these days.
Its this bit thats the best! lol I really miss her in my tum and I feel that she was born before I was ready kwim?! I think its because she was a week early and I was expecting her to be a week late! I still now think gosh 12 days, she should still be in my tummy??! Its weird!

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