Health and safety at work


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Iv been having a few issues with health and safety at work but today i stood up and demanded a chair of my own that i can adjust to my needs. And after a year of trying i got one.
I work in an office and where on the PC's over 7 hours a day. Iv been told that i cant have my own desk because "theres a shortage" but when iv been around other teams theyve told me they have plenty of free ones. Theres only about 5 people on my team that dont have there own. I was reading through health and safety/workstation assessment forms and it says that what ever desk you work at should be set up to suit you (not the owner of the desk). Iv worked there over a year and iv never worked at a desk thats suited to me. My line manager said it doesnt matter because im just an AA and im not a higher grade.
Does any else think i should take this futher? I doubt they will do anything but i know that i should be entitled to it. :doh: I dont know how to tell them that its compulsary with out sounding like im bossy, after all there the managers not me. :think:
Just say TU and you will have you're desk in no time ;)
My line manager said it doesnt matter because im just an AA and im not a higher grade
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

If this is your line manager saying this then I would be putting in a formal, written complaint to the next manager in line.

I dont think that you are legally entitled to a desk of your own, especially if there is some sort of shift system in your workplace.
I found this link which relates to call centres and desksharing. dont know if it would help in your case.
As Cassi states do you have a TU at your work? if not find out who the Health &Safety rep is and ask their advice

good luck ... hp?eny=190
Jenna do you work for HMRC? Reason I ask is I've never heard AA used anywhere else. I've just finished a 3yr FTA with them and as far as I remember you can refuse to work unless the workstation is set up for you. I don't know how that works when you hotdesk though - I think the rules may be different.

Anyway I would join the union and get their help if you can because you could seriously mess up your back and eyes if you're sitting for long periods in front of a VDU screen.
jenna- im a health and safety rep at my work and employers must follow minimum guildlines to ensure that you are are sitting comfortably the health and safety rep can give you more info and look at your policy on health and safety

This link will help you more with the requirements your boss has to undertake and maintain ... afety.mspx

:hug: :hug:

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