He proposed

Fingers crossed

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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OH took me out for a curry last night then afterwards, whilst walking over to the cinema to see Hot Fuzz, he said 'As we're TTC, I supposed we'd better get married' so I said 'was that a proposal?' and he said 'yes, so will you marry me?' :cheer: He said he wanted to wait til my birthday (in 3 weeks time) but with me about to test and having promising signs he wanted to ask me before we got a BFP (not got one yet though :( ). Not got a ring yet as he didn't know what size or style I wanted, but his mate is a jeweller and owes him a few favours, so I gotta design my own to get made. :cheer: Only trouble is when we get married my initials will spell out KAK :rotfl: .
That's fabulous!!!! Good luck with the BFP!!!

Congratulations Mrs Kak :rotfl: :hug:
oh wow, CONGRATULATIONS, that's fantastic :cheer: :dance:
oooh congrats hun!!!
my initials are KAB, hence the Taxi shouts when my mates are drunk lol :lol: :lol:
CONGRATULATIONS :cheer: :cheer: Thats wonderful news!!

Good Luck for your BFP :pray: :hug:
aw congrats hunni and fingers crossed for ur BFP

my daughters initials are KAK

Keryn Abbie Knox

luv lou n keryn xxx
Congratulations on your engagement. What wonderful news...will you marry soon or in a year or so? Our wedding day was nothing short of amazing, one of the best days in our lives - enjoy every second of the planning, preperations, pre-celebrations etc. And....good luck with that BFP! It really will be the icing on the cake!! :wink:
:cheer: :cheer: CONGRATS HUN!! :cheer: :cheer:

I take it we're all invited... i love agood wedding lol :hug:
brilliant news ! suprising how planning a wedding can take ya mind of the tourmoil of ttc !

of ya need any tips feel free to ask !

so set a date yet :rotfl:
Thanks everyone. Although a BFP too is looking unlikely, I think she's just about here :x
Nicola said:
Congratulations on your engagement. What wonderful news...will you marry soon or in a year or so? Our wedding day was nothing short of amazing, one of the best days in our lives - enjoy every second of the planning, preperations, pre-celebrations etc. And....good luck with that BFP! It really will be the icing on the cake!! :wink:

Not going to be big, if I had my way we'd go to Vegas or somewhere. It's a bit complicated, I've been married before but DF's family don't know. Of course you can all come, any excuse for cake :dance: . I'd want to get married before a baby comes but it would also be nice to have our baby there.
WOW FC that is wonderful news - i am soooooooooooo happy for you!!! CONGRATULATIONS :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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