Having a hormonal day!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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OMG i'm embarassed at my hormonal state today :oops:

I've got my exams this week, last one on wednesday :cheer: , and i had one this morning. Well i was SO tired yesterday and i tried revising but nothing was going in so i gave up at 10:30 and went to bed.

I woke up this morning feeling like utter crap, felt like i hadnt slept at all! But i dragged myself up and got ready etc, nearly killed myself again on rasberry leaf tea tablets, i simply cannot swollow them, they always come back up and make me heave!!

I was feeling pretty reluctant about my exam but thought i should probably give it a go and if i fail i can re-take, and if i pass well its one less thing to do later.

Drove to uni, i should really give up driving now, i'm quite nervous and simply everyone annoys me lol, i couldnt park in UNI, it's rediculous, 8:45 and the car park is completely full!! I also had to do 3 turns in the road and reverse up an entire row cos the car park is layed out so poorly! So i drove along to the literally miles away car park, by this time i was going to be late.

Now up until now it's a typical day, but as soon as i got outta my car and started walking towards uni my hormones kicked in big time! Everyone who walked past would stare at my bump, its a disapproving look, like "dogging up" my bump not having a little look lol. It really upset me cos uni is the only place i end up feeling ashamed of my bump! I tried holding my head up high but by the time i got to where my exam was the thought of walking in late and everyone staring (trust me they do if you walk in late) was just too much!

Its so pathetic but i was nearly in tears over it all! I hate feeling ashamed of my baby. So i text Dave and decided i couldnt do the exam today, im not prepared anyway :roll: i started walking back, again to everyone staring and started geting really annoyed, i even has the whole eyes welling up thing going on lol.

Then, when i was nearlt at my car a lady walked past me, stopped and started asking about bump, it was SO nice to know there was someone out there who could tell i was still at uni but treat me like a normal person! She said she was pregnant herself but 4 and a half months and how glad she was not to be going in to uni when she'll be big.

I left feeling SO much better about Tally and stuff and feeling pathetic over getting so upset about everyone else lol, i still feel my exam decision was the right one for me.

I thought i'd got away with not having huge hormonal swings that much during this pregnancy, but here i go lol, i just pray i wont be spending the next month having huge overreactions over things!!
Doesn't sound like an overreaction to me, I sometimes feel like people judge me for being pregnant too especially when they find out my age (IT'S ONLY A BLOODY NUMBER!) I hate people staring at the bump like theres something weird about it too :x

I think you made the right decision about the exam, theres just no point if your minds not too it. Will you be able to do a re-sit?

Alex xxx
:hug: :hug: big hugs sweetie. No you shouldnt feel ashamed of your bump! we all get days where the hormones take over :? it can be quite a confusing time. i hope you feeling a bit better now your home? xxx
:hug: :hug:
I get the looks too! it's like they look at me and then automatically there eyes stare at my bump! i feel like screaming 'GOD HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN A PREGNANT WOMAN BEFORE'

i suppose if i wasn't pregnant and walked past someone with a bump i would look without even realising but it does get sooo frustrating.

just hold you head up high..it doesn't matter one bit what all those people think anyways!!

I get it too, I do look about 12 though!! :lol:
Whenever I'm out on my own with ellie they look at the bump, then her, then me with a disapproving look!! I feel like saying I am old enough to have 2 kids you know!!
Hope your feeling a bit better now!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sounds like a tough morning!

GRRR at the nosey staring people! Age is just a number and anyway you're not that young! ARG at them!!!

I've decided that if i do accidentally stare at someones bump in the future that i'll make sure i say something nice to them! I prefer it when people make an effort to say something like 'are you excited' or 'do you have long left' it's much better than just gawping!

I do find myself staring at people with kids, i feel like i need a sign saying 'don't mean to be rude just admiring your pram' or something. Lol.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I remember going to Tescos and deciding to use a basket, I just didn't figure that it would end up being heavy! I was probably about 26 weeks pregnant, so had a nice noticeable bump etc. Well my basket ended up being rather heavy but it didn't matter, wasn't too heavy for me but was definitely overloaded lol when this woman with her baby in her trolley gave me the most disapproving look ever...if looks could kill I'd be dead 10 times over :rotfl: thankfully I was feeling indifferent that day, so I just gave a look back and walked off, if I was feeling hormonal who knows what I'd have done...either cried or mouthed off at her :rotfl:

I just wonder why she gave me that look...maybe cos i look young and pregnant (2 years ago I got asked for id buying petrol and i was 23 at the time :rotfl: ) or whether it was cos I *shouldn't* have been carrying such a *heavy* basket when pregnant :twisted:

Grrr it's annoying esp when hormones are kicking in :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so glad i'm not alone in this :hug: :hug: :hug:

I went to the mall to get a few things yesterday and everyone who looked up there gave me a little smile or something that kinda suggested they wearnt disapproving, it's so different at uni though.

I just keep telling myself i've got one exam left then i wont have to go back when i'm pregnant and no-one will know i have a kid next year (i'm ashamed to even be thinking about that, like im gonna hide her) plus my next exam is a different much smaller campus and it's easier to not be noticed.

I'm gonna make myself feel better by proudly displaying my bump at the spa later! And they HAVE to be nice about it lol, for the amount of money it costs :wink:
at the mo i cant be bothered to put make up and that on if im just popping to the shops and i look about 12, im 28 but have been id'd for drink loads as i do look young

it really winds me up cus u can almost read peoples minds with what they are thinkin :x
I dont know what it is about Uni that makes everyone a complete wanker sometimes ! Its like hollyoaks and mine and i wish theyd all piss off ! Bugger them hun, the lady you bumped into sounded lovely and im sure she was as happy to meet you as you were her, bet she walked into uni later like * if she can do it i can do it * !!!

U parade that bump later, have a lovely time !! :hug:
when people stare at my bump i stare back at them, then they get embarassed they were caught staring :twisted:

:hug: :hug: hate feeling hormonal any other day you'd have prob held your head high and not bothered! :x to those people who made you feel like that! A cashier at asda keep looking at my bump.. made me all paranoid should have just said 'what u looking at!' sure she would have stopped then! lol. Enjoy your spa and hope you feel better :hug: xx

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