Have just noticed......


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
That I can now come in here officially. Whooo last tri can't belive it.

Does the last tri drag or does it tend to still go quickly like tri 2?
T3 FLYS past honestly....I just "joined" here what seems like yesterday and OMG I'm now due in 6 days time!! I honestly don't know where T3 has gone!!

Welcome to the final, crazy stage!! :hug:
Hello :wave: :wave: :wave:

I think it goes even faster :shock:
I don't understand how i've only got 5 weeks left, the time has gone so quick in here! Some people might not agree but I would say yes it goes just as fast :D
Hello :wave:

i also think 3rd tri is flying by!!
people have ben telling me it will go fast,
but i dunno myself,
its been going slow.

welcome to T3 :)
Hey chick welcome to the last leg of the tour,
I have personally found its been strange, sometimes its gone majorly quick and then other days its dragged :?
Best bit is though no matter how much its dragging you know the ends in sight.... :wink:
Hello :wave:
Tri3 (as well as 1 & 2) flew for me, enjoy it, rest and relax :D
Very best wishes :hug:
tri 1 dragged for me 2 went fast 3 has gone fast but now its dragging again lol baby just dont wanna come wants to hurt mummy. but i have a sign babys very active so who knows :p
:wave: Hiya and welcome. I have to agree that T3 has flown for me too. Actually my whole pregnancy has gone by in the blink of an eye. I can't believe I am actaully on mat leave now and one way or another bubs will be born this month. :D Hope you enjoy your time in here hun.
Welcome to tri 3. For me it's gone quick up until now at least - I've still got 5 weeks left so we'll see how quickly that goes. I start maternity leave a week on Friday so think it will probably drag a bit then but I'm going to try to enjoy it!
Ive found it flys till i got to the last month then im just willing her to come out!
Welcome! :wave:

Peeps say it goes really fast. Hope so... :wink:

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