have I overdone it?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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I've been on a cleaning spree today, tidied the house from top to bottom and just sat down now! I havent been lifting anything heavy but I have been bending alot and stuff like that. I think I've done more than I should have and now whenever I get a twinge I worry that I've done some damage.

How much is too much when you're pregnant? I really hope I havent hurt the baby :(

On the other hand my house is now spotless ha ha :lol:
i shouldnt worry,the twinges and that are usually do to the hormaones making your ligament supplness change so you usually feel it more.if you're ever worried though rememeber to phone your mw or doc for advice :hug:
If you've got any energy left any chance of you coming and doing mine ;-)

If i get a bit off a spurt of energy i do as much as i can before it disappears so your not on your own.

As for twinges i hope to get them for the next 7 months :D
I have been getting tight pains lately. Not doing much different, but I think my music practise is taking its toll on the little one.
Dont worry hun, ur fine cleaning all day just no heavy lifting..
Also when ur bigger and close to the end ull start 'nesting' and clean ur ass off!! I went mental in my room at 8 months! Cleaning, re-arranging, sorting babys clothes into catagories in the drawers..u name it i did it!!
Im sure you haven't done any damage, with a 5 and 4 year old, its impossible to get any rest!! I have been having the twinges from about 6 weeks and sometimes they really catch me off guard, its your uterus stretching xx
Hi Kirsty,
:lol: This makes me smile a little as my Mum and Gran would be saying that you are NESTING just now...getting things clean and tidy for baby coming..... you might find yourself changing and cleaning for a few months yet..whilst you have the energy, BUT listen to your body here too.. it is telling you to rest at times, not to push yourself too far.. you seem to be one of the lucky ones in tune with your body and nature, Good luck with the housework and enjoy a healthy PG :wave:
Lv Yvonne xx
oldermum said:
If you've got any energy left any chance of you coming and doing mine ;-)

Can I be next in line?? :rotfl: :rotfl:

I don't think you'll hurt baby, but you could hurt yourself - watch out as LouLou says your ligaments will be softening and you could do some ligament damage if you over-do it. Listen to your body and stop when it complains!

Its just strectching hun nout to worry about.

and icecream those tightenings are braxton hicks :cheer:
At 22 wks (been happening for a couple of wks too)? Besides it is actually just my uterus hitting my belly button, because you use a lot of muscles (particularly the diaphragm gets a good work out) when playing a brass instrument.
wish i had the energy to clean my house from top to bottom, my house is a pigsty at the moment! :roll: having to get MIL to come and do everything for me :D
Do what you can. I wouldn't suggest being lazy, but bubbly is still vulnerable and you are doing all the work for it at the mo, so take it easy for a few weeks becasue the energy will come back with avengence, so there is no need to feel guilty.

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