have i made the right choice?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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I go back to work three days a week as a nursery nurse on the 14th July. Im dreading it because its a tiring job and i use to come home have my tea and fall flat out on the sofa! my son is going to his nans on the mondays and in the nursery i work at on thurdays and fridays. The problem is i'll be working 30hours and only get about £90 a week :shock: after they take kys childcare out.

Ive applied for a full time teachers assistant job Ky would go to his nans on a monday and friday and have to go to a nursery the rest of the week.

am i doing the right thing? Im in two minds...this is a job ive wanted for ages to help me progress to a primary teacher and it means i'll have the holidays and half terms with ky. But being so young i feel bad leaving him all week :cry: i would finish at half 3 which isnt too bad and i no in the long run it will benefit ky

hmmm just feel guilty...the application is in now so im waiting for an interview :pray:
you're working to pay childcare so it makes no sense at all.
can't you stay home with him until he goes to school or untila better oportunity for you comes up?
your doing whats best for u and your child in the long run,

there are benefits to what your doing & disadvantages. im sure it will all work out in the end and Ky will be proper proud of his mummy.
can't you stay home with him until he goes to school or until a better oportunity for you comes up?

If it was that easy id never go back to work and stay by his side full time. my maternity pay stops that week i have no choice but to work as OH job isnt enough to support all three of us, a mortgage and car etc :(

thanks 1sttimemum i fully intend to do the right thing by ky and at the moment that looks like it might result in me working full time. Being a nursery nurse just doesnt pay enough. theres no way id work full time there its 50 hours a week for peanuts.

I absolutely love working with children and im determinded to make a long term career out of it. Its just hard juggling everything!
Sage said:
can't you stay home with him until he goes to school or until a better oportunity for you comes up?

If it was that easy id never go back to work and stay by his side full time. my maternity pay stops that week i have no choice but to work as OH job isnt enough to support all three of us, a mortgage and car etc :(

thanks 1sttimemum i fully intend to do the right thing by ky and at the moment that looks like it might result in me working full time. Being a nursery nurse just doesnt pay enough. theres no way id work full time there its 50 hours a week for peanuts.

i know - but it seems daft to go and work just to pay childcare.
I would wait until a better job opotunity comes up. Can't you and hubby cut back on a few things until then. :)
I do get half price child care so it doesnt eat up all my wages. but i will be earning just under my maternity pay. so yeh...peanuts! If we cut back anymore we'll have nothing! ha! we're very careful with our money as its so limited. Not working at all is just not an option even for a month. pfft i just feel torn in half! I no ky will be fine but id miss him like mad! The school i could be potentially working for will be the school ky would be going to when hes older so thats a big plus.........
Can you not get tax credits and claim back childcare?

thats not a bad idea...i wasnt sure if i would qualify for tax cuts as my childcare is discounted through work. i'll ring them and ask.

Im such an indecisive person at the best of times so this is hard for me. Do any of you think it will effect ky if hes not with me during the day at this young age? [/quote]
I know with tax credits it depends how much your household income is to what they'll help out. For us we'd get a whole £10 per week towards childcare for both my kids. If I worked full time then childcare with a minder would be £300, I wouldn't even bring home that sort of money so would be actually paying to go to work. Madness!
could he not go to his nans monday and friday now and just go to the nursery with you on a thursday just to save you one days nursery fees?
well i didnt kinda mention that to her but she said no, she only gets 2 days off a week herself from work. shes happy to have him on a monday but if im working part time not on the friday so she has a day to herself. if i work full time she offered to help and have him on the fridays to as she really wants me to get this job, which is nice of her coz it is her free time and she has raised her three kids!
tax credits backdate to 6 months.. get it sorted now.. as long as your joint income is under 60k.. you should get something.. i agree with budge.. working for childcare costs is just stupid unless u really need to get out of the house.. have you looked around at child minders etc? we have a minder at the local community centre she hardly charges £2 an hour as she is there for classes at the centre but does take other children if she isnt full.but only works mondays weds afternoons and fridays.. might be something to look into?
oh believe me its well under 60k! lol its well under half of that :(

My OH works in PR and is hoping to get a pay rise soon which would be great. yes id never work to pay for child care. I have to work to help with the mortgage and bills even if its only a little amount. hmm a childminder might be an idea :think: i was always under the impression they'd be more expensive?

does anyone use a childminder?
I sympathise with your dilemma. :hug:

Childminders are usually a little bit cheaper than nursery so it might be something to look into for you.

I get childcare vouchers from my employers which means I pay the nursery through a scheme which deducts the cost straight from my wages before tax. So I am saving a little bit. You could see if the school offers anything like that. :think:

You definitely should qualify for some sort of assistance either in tax credit or benefits if you are on a joint family low income. Can you go to your local social security office to find out? Or check online/ring the helpline.

It's nice to have family who will help with your childcare but you might find you feel beholden to them and that can get uncomfortable. I found this in the past with my first son and so now I'm returning to work with my second I'm doing things a bit different. My mum is having my son only one day per week. The rest of the time he'll be with his dad and one day at nursery. We were able to role swap as I am the major earner in the house so my partner will work 3 days a week while I go back full time.

Good luck with your choices. :hug:
and didn't you say he'll be at the nursery you work at? So at least you can check in on him from time to time throughout the day. So he won't be totally without you.


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