has anyone hread from kelso???


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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i was just wonduring, haven't hread from her in a while
Hi Neeko - I think last time I saw her posting was at the weekend. Hope she's ok, I'm sure she will be x
hi girls. thats really sweet that you noticed i wasnt here :)

ive been really busy the last few days. my parents have been helping me organise the flat ready for when the baby arrives.so its been a fact of moving things around and tidying.

the place is starting to look a little bit better. but theres still loads to do.

home life isnt too great atm either.

OH has got a second job now which is good. as we have been really struggeling with money. and are so in debt its unreal.

the baby is ok :) i saw my belly move the other night which was awierd feeling.

thanks for thinking of me :hug:
keslo66 said:
hi girls. thats really sweet that you noticed i wasnt here :)

ive been really busy the last few days. my parents have been helping me organise the flat ready for when the baby arrives.so its been a fact of moving things around and tidying.

the place is starting to look a little bit better. but theres still loads to do.

home life isnt too great atm either.

OH has got a second job now which is good. as we have been really struggeling with money. and are so in debt its unreal.

the baby is ok :) i saw my belly move the other night which was awierd feeling.

thanks for thinking of me :hug:

i'm glad you are okay.. i was starting to get abit worried mmmh sorry i spelt your name wrong :?

anyway yeh get that nest ready not long now and becare moving stuff around :cheer: and it is the most amazing thing seeing you belly move around.... Amelie-Faith (we have picked a name already) she pushes her foot out and i massage it she like that :D

take care hun :hug: :hug:

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