Has anybody else NOT had pregnancy confirmed by Doctor?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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I have not yet had my pregnancy confirmed by a doctor (the doctor has not completed a pregnancy test). I am seven weeks and already seen the midwife. I have all the symptoms and have obviously done home tests which were all BFP - I hope they are all reliable!!!!

Julia xxxx
I didn't have mine confirmed by the doctor - not all do that.

I got refered to the midwife for my booking appointment
I know exactly how you feel Julia, I'd done 6 home tests which all came up positive, saw doctor and midwife but still felt I couldn't believe it as they hadn't checked!

Went for first scan on friday and was half thinking there would be nothing there! Seems to be that they just take our word for it until the scan. Apparently the home tests are the same as any test the doctor could do so they don't bother double checking.
I feel the same. Dr jsut said congrats! I am somewhere between 7 and 8-ish weeks and have done about 12 test- all BFPs. I have virtually no symptoms except sore nipples and tiredness so am HANGING out for my scan in a few weeks. Still seems unreal. Really want to see the jellybean!
our doctors dont check just make a midwife appointment for 10 weeks
Thanks for your replies, girls!

I feel much better about it now! I thought I was the only one! I just CANNOT wait for my scan at 12 weeks. When I see my little bean with my own eyes, only then I will be happy and confident about this pregnancy!

I still can't believe it only took us a month (and only one try at that due to very busy lifestyles, i am ashamed to say!!)

Thanks for your support

Julia xxxxx
Many GP's don't bother testing again and take you at your word. They use the same tests as we buy over the counter so it really doesn't make much difference.

Mine never bothered. Neither did my MW. Just booked in to see GP, said I'm PG, done two tests 3 days apart and that was it. Saw MW 2 weeks later.
I did one home test when I was pregnant with my daughter. It was enough for me, and the docs!
Bee said:
I didn't have mine confirmed by the doctor - not all do that.

I got refered to the midwife for my booking appointment

Me either called them to make appointment and they said the home test was reliable enough and she booked me in with the midwife, without the docs doing a test :D
When I was pg with my first (9 years ago now) they did a test, they did one with my second because i hadnt done one (didnt know I was pg, thought something was wrong with me, turns out I was 4 1/2 months lol)
but they just too my word for it with my last two!! :D
I wish I had found out at 4 and half months!! Saying that - I would have been worried about drinking, sport etc...

Every day seems to feel like a week at the moment cos I want my scan soooooooo much!!

Love and farts!! :shock:

Farty pants Julia xxxxx (its soooo embarrassing but very funny!)
Julia said:
I wish I had found out at 4 and half months!! Saying that - I would have been worried about drinking, sport etc...

Yeh I was!! I had drunk a few times before I found out (luckily not much as I had a 6 month old) but thankfully, everything was fine! Didnt stop me feeling guilty for years about the "what ifs? " though!

Julia said:
Farty pants Julia xxxxx (its soooo embarrassing but very funny!)
hahaha :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
My GP didn't test me either. all he said was congratulations, make an appointment with your MW on the way out!!

He said that the tests they have in the surgery are just as accurate as the home tests so there's no point in him doing one.

I had a bleed at nearly 7 weeks so I had to have a scan otherwise I wouldn't believe there was anyting in there either. It's strange when you actually see the little bean. I can't wait to see it in a couple of weeks or so when it will actually look like a baby.
I didn't have mine confirmed. The home tests are so reliable now.
yeah was same with me both times, i still didnt really believe i was until i had first scan :lol:
I tried to get my doctor to confirm my preganncy as it was so unexpected and unplanned but they just said that as i'd taekn three home tests and all been possitive there was no point nad sent me on my way!!!

I didnt have symptoms either but i just knew i was pregnant, think thats why i didnt cry or anything when i found out, somehow i'd known all along she was in there.
Same here.... i went in at 7 weeks. Doc said the HPT was good enough. Sent me on my way to another doc for an appointment April 29. i am now starting my 9 weeks.... i do feel pregnant, but it would be nice to know and see my little one actually in there... it would put me at ease. waiting games are not easy!
Bee wrote:
I didn't have mine confirmed by the doctor - not all do that.

I got refered to the midwife for my booking appointment

Me either called them to make appointment and they said the home test was reliable enough and she booked me in with the midwife, without the docs doing a test

Same here!
I never had mine confirmed by the doc either. He never even asked what kind of test I used - I bought a pack of 3 testing strips for £1 in a pound shop!! :lol: Of course I know now that they worked, but first any confirmation was really given was the scan! x
I'm around 8-9 weeks, I've missed two periods and had a positive home test (Clearblue), plus I really feel pregnant! I feel sick constantly, and I get a few cramps every now and then. I'm about to see the GP (hopefully this week) to book my first scan.


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