Happy Due Date Valentine!


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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Sending lots and lots of labour dust your way hun!
Hope LO makes an appearance for you today!
xx :hug: xx
Happy Due Date Valentine....hope baby makes an appearance soon xx
Morning Valentine, so the big days here but is LO giving you any signs or is it going to be fashionably late?
:cheer: omg i cant believe its nearly time for you :cheer:

hope your LO doesnt keep you waiting too long :)
Happy due date V, heres hoping its not too long now :cheer: :hug:
Lots of labour dust ********************************************
Well i'll say happy due date for tommorrow.... :hug:

v isnt due till tomorrow girls, check out text buddies thread!

But im sure she wont mind if lo does arrive today!
:oops: My fault, I know she's due on the 20th. :oops:
I thought today was the 20th - blame pregnancy brain I don't even know what day it is!!
Nicola said:
:oops: My fault, I know she's due on the 20th. :oops:
I thought today was the 20th - blame pregnancy brain I don't even know what day it is!!

aww bless ya, i was like that as well :hug: :hug:
My goodness!!! Thats came round quick - probably not quick enough for you tho!!

I hope your LO does appear tomorrow - thats my hubbys birthday!!!!

Hope you are well and sending loads of labour luck to you!! :hug: :hug:
Hey girls,

Well spotted SSS - it's tomorrow! Nicola - you got a bit over-excited there - but thank you for my thread!

I am desperate to have this baby now - the feeling has really crept up on me so it's s*x, curry and pineapple all the way!

Thanks girls!

Valentine xxx
Wow, thats come round quick! Happy DD for tomorrow valentine!

I remember when you were being really kind to me back in TTC and Tri one - I really hope everything goes well and LO doesn't keep you waiting much longer!


Piglet xx
well happy due date for tomorrow Valentine..... have fun trying to get the baby to come early... sex folowed by a curry is not a bad way to spend an evening! :D
topbird said:
well happy due date for tomorrow Valentine..... have fun trying to get the baby to come early... sex folowed by a curry is not a bad way to spend an evening! :D

Happy Due date for tomorrow Valentine! :D You are catching me up now.

TB - I tried the curry & sex last night - didn't work - just ended up with really bad indigestion and feeling very sick :puke: :(

valentine said:
it's s*x, curry and pineapple all the way!

eughhhh... they are the last 3 things I want right now, maybe the 4 days between us make all the difference in desperation!!

I had some pinapple earlier and it burnt my mouth- im such a wimp because the rest of it is in the fridge!!
I can remember when you were 33 weeks and i remeber feeling slightly envious!!!

Im even more so now your big day has arrived but will be very happy when you are reporting agoinsing contractions!

But in case you dont get on though valentine.I persoanlly want to wish you and your husband all the best with your homebirth and i hope you have a magical experience and your little bundle arrives safe and sound.


Your a lovely person and deserve all the luck in the world

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