Haircut advice


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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So, LO has HAIR. Which OH and I love. It is mad HAIR. Not just short lil locks but full on curls and squiffs out to the side. I trimmed the back a while ago as where it had thinned out with his sleeping on it he had a semi mullet going on :shock:


This is about 8 weeks ago, maybe more now. Of course its grown loads since then. Its the side bits that we struggle with as one said is a mass of curls and thick and the other is just a big thick single curl :?

I would like to trim it to make it shorter at the sides and leave it longer on top. Only LO won't sit still long enough for me to whip out a comb, let alone scissors.

I don't really want him to go to a hairdresser as he is still so small.

Any tips for trimming the side bits?
My SS took her 7 month old son to the barbers and she sat him on her knee and gave him a comb to play with, the barber was really impressed, don't really have any other advice I just wanted to let you know. :)

leland had loverly hair too but was getting thin and not nice , so we decided to cut it so it would grown back thicker etc
we were very shocked at how he sat ! firstly they were just gonna do a quick trim , but it turned into a full blown hair cut even with clippers ! and its been the best thing ive done , ive managed to get rid of his excema on his head ( for now at least ) and its already growing back loverly and soft and blonder !
oh and whats cute is that micheal ( the guy cutting hair ) is the son of the person who gave brian is first ever hair cut in the same salon !
I don't have any advice about hair, (Olivia keeps rubbing all hers off :lol:), just wanted to say, how cute is Galen!!!!
I have no advice either because although my girl has mad hair, I don't want to get it cut. How adorable is he! :hug:
:D Awwww! He is gorgeous! I think I would sit him with something new so he can play while you try and cut. Either that or if you are willing to take him to a hair dressers then the different surroundings might keep him occupied for long enough. But he is just so beautiful!!!
Awww isn't he gorgeous!!!!!!!! I think thats the first picture I've seen of Galen.

I have no advice though other than my mum is a hairdresser and she always says it's better to get it cut as soon as you can so the child gets used to the hairdressers/sound of scissors and it does help the hair grow quicker and better.

When Evie actually gets enough hair to cut I'll let you know! :lol: Actually I have noticed it really starting to come on now though so her first hair cut might not be too long away

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
We attempt to cut Ella's hair ourselves and it is a nightmare! We only do the fringe and it still takes ages and about 10 attempts to do each cut as she moves so much! I would recommend trying to find a hairdressers that specifically does children's hair as they often have special chairs and toys etc. to distract them while they do the cutting. This is what we will be doing from no on, especially after DH attempted to cut it the other day and left her with a VERY short fringe!
I forgot to say that my friend took her LO to Harrods for his first haircut a couple of wks ago! They have a special children's hairdresser and you get a certificate with their photo and a lock of hair in it! It is so sweet.
Magic Monkey said:
I forgot to say that my friend took her LO to Harrods for his first haircut a couple of wks ago! They have a special children's hairdresser and you get a certificate with their photo and a lock of hair in it! It is so sweet.

Bet they charge through the nose too :) Sweet though.

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