GRRRRRRRRR @ The SUN newspaper


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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My turn to write a letter to a newspaper now!!!

Look at this

Not only is it a load of pointless scaremongering... check out the great white pictures :roll:
BUT, in the big where it says "Worlds deadliest Sharks" below the Great While is a Nurse Shark.

Nurse sharks are TOTALLY HARMLESS and about a quarter of the size shown in the picture!!!!! LOOK


It's lazy journalism like this that leads to sharks becoming endangered through human ignorance!!!

I've mailed the reporter and submitted my comments to the site but I doubt they will make it onto that page. Typical.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
god that last pic on the sun thing is fierce
I would hate to come across a shark in my travels although i swum with small ones in typhoo lagoon
Only i was more worried at the ICE COLD tank i was in lol
well..I bet you felt better after writing it tho didn't you. But I bet...just like'd feel better if you could just hit the journalist over the head :rotfl:
What a load of fear mongers :roll:
I think if people were aware how many sharks were about when they were in the water, and how close they were, they'd realise they're not a threat, a "swimmer’s worst nightmare", just another wild animal going about their business :dance:
Sharks are beautiful :hug:
Sharks are one of my irrational fears but I have a lot of respect for them. They are beautiful creatures and don't deserve the bad press they get.
I think there is alot of ignorance regarding sharks. Well done for writing your letter, good on ya!

As a liverpool fan I never never ever read the Sun.
yeah that last pic on their page, that shark scares me, it's got blood all over probably just chewed a human being
Can I say;

1) There was a great white shark in that area around 7yrs ago
2) left alone it will be fine
3) Sharks are as scared as humans as we are of them but don't be fooled, they can and will attack

I was in Australia when I was a little girl, visiting family. Australia has a deadly sea, tiger sharks, great whites, bull sharks and even salt water crocodiles. The locals know not to venture too far and yes, shark nets work to a certain extent but back then, we witnessed a tiger shark attacking a teenage boy who'd gone to far on his surf board. He didnt survive and there is nothing you can do once a shark is attacking, in waters like that. Sharks can smell blood from a far and can swim very quickly!

We wouldn't like it if some strange looking thing wondered into our homes, playing and making racket, would we? I know it's not the same thing but we venture into their homes, don't blame the shark for attacking, in it's own place. If you know the water has a name for sharks, take precautions.

p.s. The sun newspaper has the nickname 'The scum' for a very good reason. If that is really a great white (looked a tad small), then, chances are, it's the great white for 7 or so years before.

Why scream and shout, if it is what they say, it will move on in time. We should be glad that this type of wild life is around and that it hasn't been hunted!
This is a better account, no jumping guns here

A deadly Great White shark has been spotted off the Westcountry coast, it has been claimed.A holidaymaker from Yorkshire claims he saw a Great White shark off St Ives, Cornwall, at the end of June.

The tourist, described as a "Great White fan" captured on his mobile phone footage of what he believes is one of the deadliest sharks in the ocean emerging from the sea.

However, the footage has been played down by experts and other seafarers.

The film was seen by Bude shark expert and conservationist Richard Peirce, who said: "What you can see is dolphins and then at one stage in the footage, you can see a shark partially breach - it comes half out of the water and splashes in again.

"There is no way I think I or any credible expert could say with any certainty what it is."

But he said there were three or four possibilities - the last one being a Great White.

He said it was most likely the shark was a mako or a porbeagle - a relative of the Great White, and added that there was no proof of Great Whites in British waters, despite suspected sightings in the Westcountry.

But he added: "It's not impossible - I believe we get the occasional Great White shark rocking up in our waters."

Local fishermen and harbour staff were sceptical, however.

St Ives harbourmaster Steve Basset said none of the fishermen or pleasure craft operators had reported spotted a Great White shark, which he would have expected had there been a sighting. He added: "It seems very unlikely to me. There's been a lot of sunfish about and some basking sharks, but I've never heard of a Great White around St Ives.

"I think whoever saw it must have been mistaken. Some people see a fin and they say, 'Oh, it's a Great White' but it's not. It is very easy for people to make a mistake."

Trevor Tyldesly has been a fisherman at St Ives for 20 years and said he had never heard of a Great White shark in local waters. However, he said there had been a lot of basking sharks around recently and someone without expert knowledge could be easily mistaken.

"I was out the other day and there were a couple of big basking sharks. I got my camera out and took some pictures and they came towards me with their mouths open. They looked white, but they were not Great White sharks."
And guess whats on at 8.45?? Yup JAWS!!!!!!!!

My fav,,,,,,,cant wait!
a shark is a shark :(
i would stay away all the time. ewwness
I've seen loads of sharks while diving, hammerheads, bull sharks, grey sharks, reef sharks, angel sharks... even went cage diving with Great Whites in South Africa BUT no bloody Great Whites turned up :evil:
Urchin said:
I've seen loads of sharks while diving, hammerheads, bull sharks, grey sharks, reef sharks, angel sharks... even went cage diving with Great Whites in South Africa BUT no bloody Great Whites turned up :evil:

That's gotta be sods law, it's their breeding ground, off of cape town!
I've been swimming with a tiger shark when I had a cut on my leg. Thats close enough for me thanks.

haha Hels @ Jaws, thats what set my irrational fear off
Josephine_Beth said:
Urchin said:
I've seen loads of sharks while diving, hammerheads, bull sharks, grey sharks, reef sharks, angel sharks... even went cage diving with Great Whites in South Africa BUT no bloody Great Whites turned up :evil:

That's gotta be sods law, it's their breeding ground, off of cape town!

Yeah I know!

Typical, we threw all the blood and guts and bits of fish in and waited 5 hours...NOTHING! :evil: :evil: :evil:
They've had programmes on here for ages about great whites in the UK and showed the sea temperature which isn't that dissimilar to that of south africa. Its REALLY old news so to print it with that kind of sensationalism then all the nature observers will be laughing their socks off. Well it is the sun afterall. Mind you it might keep a few chavs out of the area so thats a bonus :)

Anyone up for a trip to cornwall?

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