growth spurt?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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Can anyone tell me what I should expect from a growth spurt??
Maheen is 12 weeks, and our HV told us that's when babies have another growth spurt!
Now, I thought it meant Maheen would want to feed more but actually,!!! :shock:
She sleeps more!!! hit the 12 weeks on starday and Sunday morning, WE WOKE HER UP at 08:30!!!!! she had been sleeping since 22:00 the night before! and she slept a lot as well during the day!
She had only 4 feeds yesterday, so i thhougt she would probably wake up during the night, feeling hungry,..but again! I woke her up this morning at half 7!!! I get really worried when she does not wake up!!! is this normal? is she supposed to sleepmore and feed less? or should i "force" her to drink, even if she does not seem in demand?

I thought I would be sooo happy when Maheen sleeps through the whole night, but I am actually finding myself to worry!!!! :shock: :shock: :doh:

Mel xx
Why wake her up? I'd make the most of it :)
:shakehead: :shakehead: Mel, mel, mel...why are you complaining lol :wink: Some babies do sleep more just before a growth spurt, its normal behaviour.
Lol Kim!!! I know!! I should have let her sleeping!!! but I don't kow why: I just got worried something was wrong!!!

We are never happy, aren't we! I know, beanie, I should not complain and enjoy it...well, I was till i woke u myself, but then, I got really worried!
I will let her sleep tomorrow if it happens again, promised!! :wink:

Thanks anyway for answering my question. sleeping is ok, so fine! sleeping it is then! Well, she is sleeping at the moment!

Take care,
Mel xx
Mel :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was exactly the same as you when Zara was having her growth spurt. Now i have the opposite problem because she's teething. Very, very, very tired...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
awh, poor little Zara!!! Sometimes, I think Maheen is teething as well, because she constantly put her wrist in her mouth or her fingers, and it's a battle to get her take them out!!! she does not want her dummy, she want her hands! :doh: But I guess it's a little bit early!

I'll make sure that I don't wake her up tomorrow, but typical, I am sure she will wake me up :wink:

take care,
Mel xx
Hey dont worry Mel, loads of us would love to be in your position !
Must admit tho if Aimee doesnt wake by 8 (which has only happened twice since she was born!) then I do wake her up, otherwise it throws the whole day out and she wont go to bed a night well.

Aimee is not feeding well at all again either, she's had 1 bottle today and I tried to force it down a bit and she ended up really crying so its impossible to make them drink. Guess Im just going to be up all night feeding her!
She has been right grouchy all day also .... oh .... yes it might be the teeth I forgot that they go off food when teething.

Maheen is not to early for teething, aimee started at 8 weeks. Some babies are born with teeth!

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