Growth spurt?


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
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I just went to a group thing today and somebody there said Kai was probably going through a growth spurt. Since yesterday he has been sleeping a lot during the day and when he is up he is overtired and trying to fight it. He is still feeding the same and they said that growth spurts occur at 3 months which Kai nearly is. Is it a growth spurt or should I contact my doctor as he really is sleeping a lot just to be on the safe side?
When you say "alot" how many hours do you think it is, approx?
I wouldn't think it's anything to worry about though.
He is sleeping through the night and he has slept most of the day from around 10 on and off. I just find it strange as he rarely sleeps in the day.

I just phoned up telehealth and they said it is nothing to worry about in their opinion but they said I was feeding him too much. I said he was around 14lbs and they said he should only have 28 oz's and I am giving him 32oz's a day and imo he isn't happy with it, they said double their weight for the correct amount in oz's.

I really don't think that is right.
He wouldn't drink it if he didn't want it..he's too young for a diet!
I'd give him what he wants, and if he sleeps all day and night, get your housework done and count yourself lucky (says me sitting in a pig-sty cos brody had 2x20 min naps today) :evil:
Babies vary so much in how much milk they take, especially when they start to grow up.

The way hospital works it out is 150-180ml for every KG they weigh.

14lb is 6.3KG approx.

So 6.3 x 150 = 945ml per day
and 6.3 x 180 = 1134ml per day

Converted to UK oz's

Minimum 945ml = 33fl oz
Maximum 1134ml = 39.9fl oz's

Damien is roughly 14lb now and only drinks about 25oz's a day so to be honest - when they are growing right I would throw this system out the window and feed him what he wants!! I make u about 30oz's in bottles for him (6oz bottles although makes 7oz with the powder added too) and he leaves a bit in the bottom, and 2 of the bottle he normally only has half of it.

Have HV's been much use for practical advice anyway in the past?? :roll:

As for the sleeping, sometimes Damien has sleepy days, other days he is awake, just like I do. I'm sure he is okie sweetie unless he is obviusly unwell.

Hope that helps a little bit!
I say give them as much as they want we are sometimes hungrier or not so hungry as other days babies are the same, i've always let Abi have as much or as little as she wanted and she's doing fine :)
We just got back from the kid's clinic at the hospital and everything is alright and he weighs 14lbs 6oz's. 4 weeks ago he was 12lbs 1oz. So he has put well over 2lbs on in 4 weeks. The doctor said this was too much and I am overfeeding him :? and should feed him less. I was actually thinking of increasing it but probably won't now unless he is screaming. I think I will stick to the same amount though as I really don't see that being too much. And he always has what is in his bottle, always. They said I should feed him 28oz's again and I know he just wouldn't last on that each day, I am near enough sure.
Abi was gaining just over 1lb every 2 weeks and they said she was doing fine it's slowed down now to about 1lb every 3 weeks and she was breast fed, they say breast fed babies gain weight slower, i'd just do what you feel is right, nobody knows your child like you do, if he didn't want it he wouldn't take it.

found this

How much weight should I expect my breastfeeding baby to gain?
Breastfed and formula-fed babies grow at different rates. In general, breastfed babies tend to be leaner, which is healthier, especially in the long run. Here's a general guide to the growth of breastfed babies during the first year:

Weight gain of 4-7 ounces (112-200 grams) a week during the first month
An average of 1-2 pounds (1/2 to 1 kilogram) per month for the first six months
An average of one pound (1/2 kilogram) per month from six months to one year
Babies usually grow in length by about an inch a month (2.5c.m.) during the first six months, and around one-half inch a month from six months to one year.

and this

Amounts - How Much Per Feeding:

The average amount of formula (in ounces) that babies take per feeding usually equals the baby's weight (in pounds) divided in half (or equal to the weight in kg).

The average ounces of formula the baby takes in 24 hours is the baby's weight in pounds multiplied by 2 (or kg multiplied by 4).

A baby's appetite varies throughout the day. If the infant stops feeding or loses interest, the feeding should be stopped.

If your baby is healthy and not hungry at several feedings, increase the feeding interval.

The maximal amount of formula recommended per day is 32 ounces (1 liter).

Overfeeding can cause vomiting, diarrhea or excessive weight gain.

If your baby needs more than 32 ounces ( 1 liter) and is not overweight, start solids.

hope it helps
Hi Babsi,

Elliott was incredibly hungry for the first few weeks and he was on SMA Gold. It got to the point when he was draining 32oz at 4 weeks! Anyway I spoke to my HV and then put him on SMA white for hungry babies and gradually decreased the amount. His weight gain slowed after this although he's still on the 70% percentile due to the early spurt. At 16 weeks he was 17lbs but the HVs all said he is healthy and will lose the extra when he gets active.

The different formula really made a difference as it stays in their tums longer although it has the same amount of calories. Sami is right though- it's 2-2.5 oz per lb of body weight so you're fine with the amount he's having

Hope this helps
At around 1 month Kai was on 32oz's, he then went down a little and I put him back up to 32oz's a day and I personally think I am feeding him the right amount. I looked at the US percentile charts (couldn't find a Canadian one) and he is in the 82nd percentile for his weight at 3 months, 2 months he was around 60 something. So I think he has been going through a growth spurt the last week or so maybe.

I am really fed up though, I am sick of going to different places and being made to feel a bad mother, at first it was the problems we had with breastfeeding (after Kai was born it was a real nightmare at the hospital). Also I was made to feel that I was overreacting because I wanted Kai to be weighed more than every 2 months when in the UK it is normal for them to be weighed a couple of times a month. Nevermind when we go to a group that when people's baby's cry they can breastfeed them, I can't do that with Kai. I fed him at 1 and it was about 2 when he became hysterical and if I had of fed him he would have been really sick. First off someone said that I should breastfeed him (why do some people assume everyone breastfeeds??) and then I should feed him, I think I know my baby and he was upset because he was overtired. If I fed him on demand, he would probably be having 50oz's a day lol

Really the internet isn't so good for doctors/nurses etc as we can read a lot of different things and not be force fed what they tell us.

I am tempted a little to give him a little baby rice but I talked to my husband this morning and it was a definite no because that is what the doctor told us!!! He likes to think he is independent but it is always what the doctor says! I will hold out til he is 4 months though, there is no way we can wait until 6 months.

Sorry I am rambling now, you can probably tell I am a little fed up and am going through of being sick of living in this country!! I just want to move back home now.
Hi babsi

i know what you mean here incanada some of the doctors are justcrazy.
a month ago Kiara weighedin at 12 pounds 13 ounces , so i m guessing she is over 13 pounds now, so i wouldnt worry everyone tells me that she weighs so much but she is still healthy and only we know our babies if we think they are fine then im sure they are.
I get Kiara weighed once a month when the health nurse comes .
Hope your okay, and sorry your having a bad time living out here in Canada, you make me feel horrible for being Canadian cuz were suppost to be one of the best places to visit :(
xxx Katrina
katrina, please don't feel bad!!! I have lived here for 5 years now and since having Kai I want to be with my family in the UK, they are missing out on so much and in time Kai will miss out on his family. And I am missing home as well. IMO Canada is a nice place to visit but not for living for me, I know a lot of people immigrate here and are very happy but I am not one. Also I am a little concerned about living in Toronto, there has been a lot of crime recently in the past couple of years including the murder rate going up with concerns me. I know we could move to a smaller town but it would be difficult for my husband with his job.

I guess Kai being here has brought it all home about how I feel about living here.

I saw one good doctor here which I felt was on our wavelength but he left to go to the hospital for sick kids, if he went there he must have been good. How come you have a nurse visiting you? I had 3 visits in total and she felt I didn't need her coming anymore :( It must be different in BC.
Babsi i know exactlt how you feel being away from your family, i emigrated to oz when i was 8 weeks pregnant, i had a really tough pregnancy and birth and just wanted to be with my family, i went home at christmas for 3 months and when i returned in March i knew i didn't want to be here so we are currently sorting out going home we are looking at being back in the uk in 6 weeks, many of my reasons are the same as yours i want my family to see Abi grow up and for Abi to know them also i have a 2 year old niece and 3 month old nephew and want to be part of their lives, it's a bit daunting as we've got nothing when we return to uk no jobs no house no furniture and no money so it's gonna be real tough but it's gotta be better than being so far away from family.

If you want to chat PM me or email me on [email protected]

Keep your chin up mate

Manda x
Hi Manda, you are brave going back the way you are, sometimes I really want to do the same but I admire you but in the long run you are making the right decision for you. It does feel lonely here and I feel Kai is going to feel the same with no extended family here at all. My husband will only move if he can have a job, not so easy getting one being so far away. There is a chance he could do his present job there as all he needs is a computer and an internet connection but it is too risky asking here. Job security isn't one of the perks of being here :(

I hope it works out for you!

An update on Kai, he is either sleeping, eating or crying and with the last 2 feeds he has been really sick :(
I'm worried now, Rubie has over 30oz a day but by her weight she should only have 24. I don't want her to be overweight and unhealthy but there's no way she would ever settle unless she was full, she'd scream the house down!!
This is probably me being thick bt I get really confused about this set amount of feeds at set times. I guess it is because I am demand feeding Seren and she will feed when hungrey for as long as she likes and when she is full she will stop eating. Why can't formula fed babies be the same, so they know if they are full and they stop. Surely they are the ones that know best?
Sorry Beanie I've read your post 4 times and I really can't understand what you mean lol
Have had very little sleep. will try again, I demand feed Seren and she tells me when she is hungrey and when she is full. However from what I understand Babsi's HV is basically saying that her baby should be having a set amount of formula at a time but if he is still hungrey what happens? Surely babies know when they are hungrey or Seren would alwys be feeding or am I confused, and are you even more confused lol.
LOL I get you now!!

Yeah you are right. although Rubie is bottle fed, she will tell me when she wants a bottle. It can be between 2 and 6 hours she will feed. She drinks however much she wants. She often wastes nearly a whole bottle but she also often cries for more when she has finished. So yes, they get hungry at different times and require different amounts, just like us I suppose. Babsi's HV is obviously clueless. To try and feed a baby like that is cruel. Would they like it if someone took their dinner away when they were halfway through and said sorry you've had 10 mouthfuls, you cant have any more. I don't think so.

Have I confused you now? :lol: :lol:
LOL Kim no you explained that very well. I re-read my original post and got myself really confused and I knew what I meant :?

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