Growth scan today


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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I had another growth scan this morning and was so pleased as I got the very lovely and helpful sonographer. We had her for our 20 week scan and she was so enthusiastic and happy for us - she made the whole process even more of a joy! Thankfully everything is as perfect as can be and she said that he was weighing just over 3 pounds at the mo.
She was fantastic and explained everything to us, showing us detail of the cord, his limbs, and his little face. You could see him in profile and he kept sticking his tongue out! She even printed two piccies of his face for us free of charge...
His head is down and his spine is to the right of me so that explains why I only get kicked to the left hand side...
Got another one on the 27th July so fingers crossed we get her
Glad all is well! We had a lovely sonographer for our 20 week scan -she kept talking to baby, made such a difference!! Amazing to see him sticking his tongue out!!
oo my birthday on the 28th july! lol. wow scan sounds like it went perfect, how nice of the sonographer to give you piccies free of charge! if there is one of those comment boxes you should deffo give her a good comment. we've had some right unprofessional sonographers!! xxxx
hehe, it's my birthday on the 24th so not far away from each other!
I made a comment to her boss after the last time I saw her - she's just brilliant. I might even send her a Thank-you card next time I'm there...xx
So pleased things went well and you got to see your LO again - its amazing to see how much they have changed over 10 weeks xx

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