Gripe water and infacol


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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can i use both together or just one? also do i put the gripe water in his bottle?

Have a look on the bottle. I'm fairly certain you don't put it in their bottle.

As for giving both, maybe phone a pharmacist to check.
We used both together but found Gripe Water WAY more effective than Infacol.

Gripe water is quite difficult to give (I think some people on here did put it in their bottle but you're not supposed to). We bought a pipette (dropper) and used that, then shoved her dummy in straight afterwards so she wouldn't spit it back out. Generally speaking we used Gripe Water in the middle of a feed, after the 'first go' before the reflux whinging started.
Well i bought an oral syringe so i will try that..Ollie is pretty good at taking anything (he even tries to eat his bib!) I will just try the gripe water on its own before his feed to see how we get on.. somethings got to work. Hes crying alot during the day aswell now. :wall:
Our HV recommended gripe water for Jude but he would just spit it out no matter what we did. Infacol worked really well for him but we did find out he had reflux when he was 2 weeks old and was prescribed infant gaviscon which was great.
Well i gave it to him and got two great burps. realised it should be gived during or after though (oops). only prob i have is the syringe isnt sterile. hope thats ok..
You can use cold water steriliser to sterilise the syringe. DD was on antibiotics for 2 months when she was new so we checked then. We used to keep it in the case that dummies or teats or something had came in.

You don't need to buy syringes, ask at the pharmacy and they should give them to you :D
We used the infacol syringe for our gripe water infacols poo she pulls faces dribbles most of it out and then nothing lol
Gripe waters really good, great big burps and no sad face !
well ollie isnt too keen on the gripewater but i will stick with it. was thinking of using infacol for the night feeds though as easier. is it ok to use one then the other?
We used one then the other trying to find which one worked better for a few days, lots of people say infacol takes about week to start working properly so that could be why we didnt get on too well with it, smely lovely though ! I dont think any ill effects should arise from using one then the other :)
Infacol will work best if given before each feed. It takes a few days to get into the system and start working and should be given each feed to maximise its potential.

If your LO is suffering badly and Infacol and gripe water are not really working maybe look into using Colief instead.
i swear by infacol blake has had it from 1 week old as he was getting really bad trapped wind and it was really uncomfy for him, he has it before every single feed and after a couple of days it kicked in and havent had a problem with wind since. I seriously reccomend sticking with it its magic potion to us.
MagicMarkers said:
We used the infacol syringe for our gripe water infacols poo she pulls faces dribbles most of it out and then nothing lol
Gripe waters really good, great big burps and no sad face !

The syringe thing isnt going too well and i think the infacol droppler maybe a better option.. how many squeezes did you do?
MagicMarkers said:
We used the infacol syringe for our gripe water infacols poo she pulls faces dribbles most of it out and then nothing lol
zach's the same! i always think infacol must be a really strong taste for someone who's only tasted BM in their little life!
not long 'til i can use gripe water :pray:
OK the Gripe water is just not happening. Ive tried the syringe (oral one) and the infacol droppler thingy but after Ollie takes it he pretty much throws it all back up. Ive tried little squirts, long squirts, squirts to the side of his mouth but he hates it. Infacol is easy to give him. Cant i just put it in his bottle?
I dont think so hun :( Have ya tried giving him half his bottle squibbing some infacol in quick, and then giving him the rest ? Only thing i can think of :think: :hug:
The infacol is easy its the gripe water he wont take as theres just too much liquid to get into him. I was looking on the internet and someone mentioned giving him the teaspoon from the teat (i assume just put it in the bottle and feed him it) It apparently may byepass the tastebuds. This could be an option i may try tomorrow. For tonight its infacol..

Claire x
Sounds like its worth a go, that stuck really is cracking once you get it down them, we never use as much as it says either, like you said just too much liquid ! Good luck for 2morow n hope ur infacol kicks in soon !! :hug: :hug:
charlotte_ said:
MagicMarkers said:
We used the infacol syringe for our gripe water infacols poo she pulls faces dribbles most of it out and then nothing lol
zach's the same! i always think infacol must be a really strong taste for someone who's only tasted BM in their little life!
not long 'til i can use gripe water :pray:

Blake loves it lol he laps it up, also he knows whats coming after that lol :D
Dentinox can be put in their bottles hun but it smells so strong I cant see how they wouldnt notice? :think:
I used to give Gripe water in a bit of boiled water in a bottle! Maybe I shouldnt have but hey it worked for them!

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