Giving up/ Taking it easy!????


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2010
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Hi Girlies...

Well after a hihgly emotional month last month, with pre conception vitamins, OPK's, HPT's and all the other emotions that come with TTC, I got my Period.
So this month and from now on for the forseeable future, Im laying off everything, I have put away all of my TTC stuff and am now foccusing my attentions on being a better person and making my life better. OBVIOUSLY i still want a baby, but im leaving it to God, Its only been a few months since we have been having unprotected sex, and if it gets to a year and im still not pregnant then I will obviously see the doctor, but for now... I'm living it up (well as much as I can lol).

Hows everyone doing?

Hi hunny just wanted to send you massive :hugs: and wish you all the luck in the world x x

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Hey hun, sorry you had a tough month

Bfp will prob come along when you least expect it.

Opks have been driving me a bit crazy this month too, throwing away the cheapies
Good luck hun, x x
I'm with you on the taking it easy, I've not tried at all this month and I've really enjoyed the break!

TTC can be so addictive, I've been much more chilled generally whilst I've not trying so I will definitely carry on not stressing next cycle.

thankyou M2A... your lovely... i wish you all the luck too!

Nurse 26- good luck hun, I know it can drive you crazzy!

Maybe Baby... how was the break? have you decided to go back for more TTC action or just to take it as it comes? I think this will probably be the best way for me because the 2ww is far more than I can handle. PLUS im in my final year of my law degree and have huge family commitments at the moment, so I can't deal with the stress of TTC, i hope god blesses me (and all of you) soon though!

Sounds like a great plan hun & wish you all the luck in the world like the girls said & your BFP will come get you when you least expect it :)
Pretty Fx: I think it's a good idea to try to relax and chill! I have had so many things to do lately so I havn't got the chance to think to much about TTC, but these days I'm thinking about it...AF is due to Saturday and I can feel the witch is coming:( I have tried for 10 months now without results, and will see my doctor in January. In the end, I think it will work out fine for all of us!

We just have to try to have some patience;)

Good luck to everyone! *fingers crossed*
We're not going to a big party this New Years eve and one of us has to drive. Since AF is due to Saturday, I feel I should drive (and not drink) just in case I'm pregnant, but if I'm not and AF comes along on Saturday, I will get really pissed off for letting me get influenced like that...not easy to relax:S
Esperanza... i know the feeling. I feel it will work out for us all in the end, but i think the relaxed approach is the best one to take because it doesnt consume your thoughts. I only pop on here once a while because I have met some lovely people on here and its great to come on and chat to a few women who have the same mind frame as myself. But in regards to your AF being due... take it easy, enjoy NYE because if your not pregnant you will regret it....

I dont drink, but I smoke shisha (arab trend) I didnt smoke at all last month and was gutted when i got my period and had passed up all those opps that I had to go out and make a night of it. Then it hit me that the best way to sort this is to leave it god.

Youve been trying for 10 months? have you been doing the mad OPK's and ovulation day sex? because one month was enough to drive me mad.

I have done the OPK only this month. But I am pretty sure (if I have ovulated all my cycles) that we have done it at the right day, because we bd almost everyday:p

So don't now why I haven't got pregnant yet, but try not to think of it. I think it will work out in the end! This month my breasts have increased in size a lot, so if I'm not pregnant I hope I can keep them;) DH likes them too *LOL*

It really helps talking to others in the same situation, so I'm really glad you're all here!

You cheer me up!!:)

Thanks a lot to you all!!!

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