giving baby rice-pls help


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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ive started to give baby rice the last couple of days ( didnt want to do baby lead weaning )
i just woundered when you gave your baby the rice if before his bottle or after ?Do i still give him the same amount of milk?
Also did you start off quite milky and then make it thicker as the days go by? i feel ive been making it so milky and im thinking whats the point if im not making it thick enough! .
any suggestions or experiences will be great as im clueless!!
hv is away at the mo and her replacment is rubbish.
thanks so much x
I have also just started giving it, so don't have much experience. I am making it up with 1tsp of baby rice to 1 tbsp of formula (as that is what is says to do on the packet I have!). This makes it like a runny paste. I think that to begin with you are meant to give it after their bottle (I have the Annabel Karmel book and that's what she says to do). She also suggests mixing it with fruit puree to give it more flavour.
Hey :wave:

Keep it quite runny to begin then make it thicker, from what i remember they are only on this for the first few days i think. I think I gave it before the feed just a couple of teaspoons worth then gradually increasing it. When are you going to go onto purees? x
When I started weaning I was giving Oliver a breastfeed before the solids so that he wasn't grumpy cos he was hungry. The first few times he didn't know what to do with the baby rice anyway, kept sticking his tongue out so it all ended up down his chin.

I went by the instructions on the packet to begin with (1 tbsp baby rice to 4 tbsp milk) but found this to be really liquidy, so after a few days added less milk to give it a bulkier consisteny.

Now I give him his solids about 30mins to 1hr after his breastfeed to give the milk a bit of time to go down.
Hi with jeremy i gave his milk first as if he was really hungry with his solids he would just get frustrated. Start runny and then thicken it slowly, your baby will let you know if it's a bit too thick.

Hope that helps
thanks everyone for your reply. ive been giving it to him after his bottle . im going to give it a few more days and then try him on something with flavour a fruit puree or something .
he likes the rice and doesnt pull any faces now . i think im going to then start making my own foods once i get the hang of it. i feel a bit more confident now. thanks

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