Getting really worried about my LO not eating :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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My LO used to eat 3 big meals a day plus snacks in between and 3 bottles of 9 oz a day. Last week he wouldnt eat anything!!!! I tried and tried and tried, all he would except is milk so i increased his bottle from 3 to 5 bottles and he excepted it. This week he is still taking 5 bottles a day but will still hardly eat :( :cry: He had some toast this morning, has completly rejected his lunch and im praying that tonight he will eat some dinner but my hopes are waring thin.

He has also become VERY clingy, and will not let anyone hold him unless its me or daddy, if anyone tries to pick him up he screams the place down!! If i leave the room to make his milk he cries!!

Has anyone experienced this??

It sounds like he's not well, poor mite :( Could it be teeth?
Remember, at this point he still gets all his nutrition from milk so I wouldn't worry about him not eating well. Just keep offering him things, don't make a fuss if he doesn't want it and hopefully he will feel better soon and start eating again.

My LO is 6 weeks younger than yours and she eats about a heaped teaspoon of food a day, though it may be increasing to about 2 teaspoons worth. She has about 25oz of milk. She is 98th percentile for height so she doesn't take this little because she is petit, it's just what is right for her at the moment. She will take more when she decides she wants or needs it.
Hi Kalia

Thanks hun, I did wonder if he wasnt well but he has no temperature, not being sick, nappies are normal and he is very playfull and happy. I guess its just one of those phases? Teething - well, hes been teething since he was 3 months old and he still has NO teeth yet, im even having dreams in my sleep that he has pearly whites but nothing yet!!


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