Gender guess 12w4d.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
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I'm thinking girl but wondered what you ladies thought. X20190314_200419.jpg
Skull shape suggests boy to me. But I would say go with your feeling. I knew mine was a boy from about week 6. Are you having a 16 week scan to find out or will you have to wait to 20 weeks?
On all other nub guessing sites they say girl. Had no boy guesses other than here! I'm finding out in 3wk so will update you xxxxx
I think boy from skull theory. Iv found that easier than nub theory
They say (Not quite sure who they are ) that skull theory isn't reliable and only sexes adult apes or something! I can never get my eyes around the skull theory! X
That's a girl. Nub is very accurate if u have right shot at right gestation. Congratulations
I’m saying girl too by the nub. If nub and skull theory disagree, go with the nub. What you’ve heard about skull theory is true x
I find out on Saturday and I shall let you know!! Thanks for your replies ladies! I'm hoping for a girl now I have had so many people say that about the nub but equally would be as pleased with another beautiful boy xxx
Tbh I was wondering if that was actually the nub. It might not be. Congrats on the baby boy x
I was just about to comment boy! Then I’d seen you updated it. Congrats xx

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