GBS, Possibly a rant.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I had my monthly appointment at the hospital yesterday and asked loads of questions, One of them being do you test for GBS? as i was told at my antenatal class last week that they do. They said that they didnt, when asked why they said there is no reason to screen for it as you have had no symptoms of it. I asked what the symptoms were and they looked at each other, laughed and said well if we told you you would probably say that you had them and then said you would know if you had it. I then asked them if they would test for it if i requested it as sometimes you dont get things without requesting them, to which they replied "that would be screening for it so no".
I felt like arguing with them about it but in the end thought it best not to cause i would just get really angry and end up sending my blood pressure through the roof.

My question is this, If your baby dies or becomes seriously ill as a result of you having passed on GBS after you have requested you be tested for it and they refused, can you sue the ass off of them?

Sorry, quite a long one i know but i am still trying to decide whether i should fork out for the private one or listen to them and believe that i would have symptoms even though everything suggests you dont get symptoms.
personally i dont agree with GBS testing for everyone on the nhs. if people want to pay for it then thats their choice but i think if you look at the facts and figures theres lots of people getting rich off terrifying pregnant women.

no you couldnt sue them if they didnt screen at your request because it is not policy to routinely screen. TBH i hate it when people sue the nhs anyway what does it acheive?? you get money for something really unfortunate happening??? i dont get it.
nathanmum said:
personally i dont agree with GBS testing for everyone on the nhs. if people want to pay for it then thats their choice but i think if you look at the facts and figures theres lots of people getting rich off terrifying pregnant women.

no you couldnt sue them if they didnt screen at your request because it is not policy to routinely screen. TBH i hate it when people sue the nhs anyway what does it acheive?? you get money for something really unfortunate happening??? i dont get it.

Couldn't agree with you more.
Hi all
Thought I would Just post this. My SIL had GBS with her 2 pregnancies but only found out after being accidently hit in the tummy with her first. After having pains the Dr did some tests on her and came back she had GBS. It was sort of a blessing in disguise really that it happened to her as who knows what would have happened otherwise. Doesnt bear thinking about really.
I saw this article on a morning programe and thought i would post it.
Hope it helps
Sherry xx

How can I get an ECM test for GBS?

At present, we know of only one laboratory in the UK that offers the ECM test. You (or your health professional) can request a free GBS Screening Pack (comprising request form, instructions, 2 swabs in non-nutritive transport medium and business reply envelope) from The Doctors Laboratory on 020 7307 7373 or e-mail them at [email protected].

Two swabs (low vaginal and rectal) should be taken by the health professional or pregnant woman at 35-37 weeks of pregnancy and these swabs, together with the completed request form (signed by the health professional) and payment of £32.00* should be returned to The Doctors Laboratory (TDL) in their supplied freepost envelope.

TDL undertake to make the test result available within 3 working days of receipt of the test and the report will be sent to the referring healthcare professional for discussion with the pregnant woman, who can also have a copy of the results sent direct to her.

Because the swabs and the results are sent through the post, the test can be done anywhere in the country.

For the leaflet on this test, please these follow this link.

*A fee may be charged by the health professional for specimen collection.

Group B Strep Support endorses the availability of reliable prenatal GBS screening but has no links to nor receives any money from any particular laboratory. Indeed, we hope that many other laboratories will follow The Doctors Laboratory's example in offering this test! And, as they do, we'll provide details of their service also.

Why test pregnant women for GBS?
Universal testing pregnant women for GBS - using reliable enriched culture method (ECM) tests - with intravenous antibiotics being offered in labour to women identified as GBS carriers, plus to those delivering prematurely or with a history of GBS, will prevent more GBS infection in newborn babies than using risk factors alone to identify who should be offered intravenous antibiotics in labour.
HI hun

I wouldbt worry too much , but if you are concerned i would pay to keep your mind at ease. Is GBS where they take a swab?
My point being was, its lucky she had found out. If not she wouldnt have gotten the antibiotics needed during birth and would have passed on the infection to her first born and that is what doesnt bear thinking about.

I am not saying that it should be compulsary to be tested, but some women who do have it only find out they have it when it is too late.
Just because my SIL had it didnt make me want to send off for the kit to get tested. Some women like to have complete peace of mind for everything especially if they have heard some horror stories or know someone has been in that situation.
If it wasnt an issue why are so many women patitioning to get it on the NHS? if it is down to the money then maybe they could still do the test but charge them for it, at least then they will have the choice, whereas at the moment its a no full stop unless you buy it from the internet.
Babies are dying from this it is a fact and there is something that can be done to prevent it, isnt that what doctors and nurses are about? to care for the ill and prevent death etc? but as theyre are not "enough" for the NHS to give a damn then they are not bothered it seems.

I really am unsure as to what to believe.

I think if it were to happen to my child (touch wood it wont) then i would be enclined to blame the people that i asked for the test! as i asked for something to be done about it and they refused when it is possible to be done.

I hope that makes sense.

"GBS disease is very rare - in the UK, if the mother is known to carry GBS when she is in labour, there is a 35-50% chance that her baby will pick up GBS, but only 0.2-0.5% of these babies will become ill as a result. Putting these figures together, if a woman who is carrying GBS in labour has a 50% chance that her baby will pick up the bacteria, the chance of the baby developing GBS disease is between 1 in 400 and 1 in 1,000."


theyre bloody terrified that gbs is gonna kill their babies cos some fat cat is exploiting them.
they latest research coming out from usa where they have introduced screening has found that the death rates are the same it has made no difference as yet???

Ok it was the test i was thinking about.
It is manditory here every one has to get it , although i dont remember getting it done the last time apperently it was (bad memory)
I dont know why its maditory one place and not another???
nathanmum said:

theyre bloody terrified that gbs is gonna kill their babies cos some fat cat is exploiting them.
they latest research coming out from usa where they have introduced screening has found that the death rates are the same it has made no difference as yet???

Fair enough. But surely you can understand why people start thinking the way i am (especially when they are a stress head like me :? )
when its all over the baby tv programmes(english and american), in the magazines and all over the internet etc.
yeah i totally see thats what makes me so mad, the media has such an influence they should report the facts not try and make the scariest story they can.
this is why i urge people to read and research everything dont just beleive what your told, then make infromed choices. if people want the test thats fine i understand some people want to, but i dont want them to be scaremongered into it makes me mad :twisted:

Flame I think if it's going to worry you not having the test, then paying for it is money well spent so you can ease your mind and not be worrying about it, which isn't good for you :hug:

Just because something is common or popular doesn't mean it is a necessity, and just because some test or drug is available, does not mean it is 100% safe either. I believe only good decisions can be made about facts, when you've read ALL the facts and not just what you're told. It would be impossible to test every pregnant woman for every possible outcome for her baby, and to worry about them all is unfair, but information should ease that.

As babies become adults these issues will continue with regards what test, what jab etc I am sure. As a parent we get to decide, and I'm sure everyone has their baby's best interest, no matter what their decision, which should be respected if not always understood, choosing to OR not to, shouldn't be viewed as a decision to not do the best for your baby, know why you're doing what you're doing and have faith in that :hug:

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