Fleas ''/


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2011
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We have 2 cats in the house, recently we gave them flea tablets and all their flees started dropping out and now they don#t have any but their around the house as we are all getting bites! Iv'e changed be bedding and hoovered up everywhere today and iv'e just seen more on the bed again and getting more bites!

Does anyone know what I can use to get rid of them or if there is somthing made especially for this. I'm worried as I can have bubs at any time now and due date it 11 days away. I don't want him coming home and have fleas in the house :shock:
Frontline spot on treatment is the best!

We use it on our dog , liquid spot
Goes on neck!

Bob Martin flea bombs!! Get them from pets at home..
Bomb for each room! Releases smoke!

Failing that someone needs to come in and spray your house xx

Oh dear. I have had exactly the same problem and i hate to have to tell you this but you might not get rid within 11 days. Me and OH noticed ours and went out and brought powder for the carpets, flea spray and a couple of flea bombs and obviously treated the cat but we absolutely blitzed the house from top to bottom spraying and hoovering every crevice. All seemed fine after that then 2 days later and we were completely infested again! Turns out a lot of products dont actually kill the eggs theyre pretty impenetrable. So we've blitzed the house another two times and hoover a couple of times a day.
They really are annoying!!!
Tbh though the amount of money we ended up spending on products and how long it took it may well be cheaper to get an exterminator in like rentokil perhaps at least they should come with a guarantee of getting rid of them. And saves u the work so close to your due date cos it really is a pain and hard work getting rid of them :/.
If not you can get products from most pet stores and wilkinsons.
Good Luck, sorry about my long reply! lol

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you can get flea srpay for your house from pets at home, a few years ago we came back from spain and our house was covered in them, so we put that on left for 3 hours came back and most were dead then we hoovered a few times a day they were gone within a week x
Get the flea stuff for spraying round the house from your vets. The stuff bought off the shelf doesn't really cut it. BUT if I were u being PG get someone else to do it and maybe sleep at someone else's house overnight as the chemicals in this stuff are pretty harsh.

Once you've cleared the cats and house of fleas talk to your vet about getting advocate drops. They flea spray, worm and ear mite your cats all in one go. Also they provide ongoing protection for you house so you don't need to spray round the house again.
Our cats have had problems with fleas this year even though we regularly frontline them. Apparently down here frontline is not working the vets were getting about 5 calls a day about it! We've changed to Advocat as Ninja has recommended and the fleas have gone from the cats.
I would also say buy the house products from the vets as we tried shop brought ones and they didn't work. We got a spray from the vets which works really well and lasts for a year. We probably ended up spending the same money on shop brought ones as the vet one so should have just gone there in the first place! Hope you get it sorted x x x
Thank you for all the replies, helped alot now I can go can go and sort something out :)

Hey.....I use advocate and it's fab! The shop bought ones didn't even touch our cat but since using this from the vets he's all flea free :)

Good luck hun xx

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i had this with my cat years ago, we bought some spray from our vets it was quite expensive but it did the trick and we never saw another flee again. you just sprayed it on the carpets and it killed fleas and eggs x x give the vets a ring and see what they recommend you might be able to buy it in the shops these days.
Once you are flea free I'd seriously look at using the advocate because it should keep you flea free. Sorry for going on about if, I just know it works.
We've had the same problem this year too, with Frontline not working! I was tempted to use the things that fill your room with smoke but chickened out because of the pregnancy. I'll give our vet a ring I think! Thanks ladies.
I recently had the same problem, its so stressing ewsp when your pregnant or have young children. I used R.I.Pn fleas for the home from the vets. Its expensive but worth it. x
I use frontline COMBO which unlike frontline spot-on, needs to be prescribed by the vet. This not only kills fleas and eggs, but when your cat sheds hair around your house it kills the fleas too (apparently).

And I use indorex flea spray in the meantime for any nooks and crannys. You can also get that at the vet.
I have just had an infestation 6 weeks after getting rid of my cats!!!! The heat has brought them out my husbamd and son were bitten to death but not me they work on vibration so your hoover would of got then going I would call in pest force or something they can 10 days ago and I haven't seen a live one since just a few dead ones hope you get sorted and good luck with baby xx
Ive worked at a vets & pets at home and can honestly say the flea tablets rarely work, they are a waste of money. Pay the extra get frontline and it does the job excellently. For the ones in the house the flea bombs are good and most household flea sprays kill them off but get someone else to do it as they are very toxic and open all the windows then leave the house for a few hours.

Just a point to note dont use frontline now after giving the tablets as you can overdose and make your cats very ill, the same goes for people who put flea collars on the cats and then use flea treatment also - big no,no!

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