Fleas & Alices toys.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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well after two weeks on almost constant treatment i think we are winning the flea war. The poor cat has been suffering though, not from the fleas (she isn't covered in them, just a few), but the collar we put on her to try and help get rid of them she had a reaction to, and she lost loads of fur around her neck, and her skin was red raw. Its looks so sore the poor thing. Then to make it worse, she was scratching to try and get it off and cut all her neck up. Ive had to trim some more of the hair off around her neck to stop it getting gunked up which has made her look stupid - she is a really fluffy cat! if i can get a pic later i will.

Anyway, back to the purpose of my post. Ive think ive more or less got everything treated, but i was clearing alice's toys up and found a flea on one of her teddies. Now im worried there are going to be loads and they will bite alice when she is playing with them, or /and alice will spread them back through the flat on her toys.

Do you think washing the teddies and hanging them out to dry would be enough to get rid of them, or using some flea spray or power? How do i make sure its all gone so it is safe for her to play with again?
if they can be washed id chuck them in the washing machine i *think* fleas die after a couple days anyway so a wash should kill them all off
but if the cat still has them they could go back on the teddies again
if that makes sence so they might need rewashing
Flea collars, flea powder and washing will not kill fleas.
If fleas are in toys, carpets and fabrics you need to go to the vets. Purchase a housespray and frontline for your cat. These are the only things that work. Take it from someone that has wasted a fortune on shop brought products!

Fleas do not die after a couple of days. They mate at an alarming rate and their larva can live in carpets etc for months before hatching. If they are in Alices toys, chances are they are in the carpets, bedding etc.
When infested with fleas you must treat all fabrics (carpet, bedding, etc) and just not the cat. Flea treatment from the vets will rid you of the problem within days if used correctly.

I think there was a thread recently about fleas with loads of advice :think: I'll have a look :D
Sam&Alice said:
well after two weeks on almost constant treatment i think we are winning the flea war. The poor cat has been suffering though, not from the fleas (she isn't covered in them, just a few), but the collar we put on her to try and help get rid of them she had a reaction to, and she lost loads of fur around her neck, and her skin was red raw. Its looks so sore the poor thing. Then to make it worse, she was scratching to try and get it off and cut all her neck up. Ive had to trim some more of the hair off around her neck to stop it getting gunked up which has made her look stupid - she is a really fluffy cat! if i can get a pic later i will.

Oh nasty hun, sounds like you should take it off.. It shouldn't do that, sounds like she's had a bad/allergic reaction. Poor kitty :hug:
as already mentioned, flea collers and most shop treatments won't kill the fleas, you need frontline or another reliable de-flea solution.. you can get frontline cheaper on vet uk.com.

also get some indorex house spray and spray it on EVERYTHING, make sure you get all nooks and crannies as the wee buggers get everywhere and breed sooo fast. as for alices' toys, i would spray them with indorex and then wash them in the washing machine/handwash well.

hope you get rid of them soon, they are awful :( :hug:
As Sarafet says get a can of Indorex for your house and spray everything. Also frontline for your cat, shop bought products are useless and usually harmful to your cat as you've found out :(

A cheap place to get Indorex and Frontline is VetUK if you can't afford it from the vets.

http://www.vetuk.co.uk/index.php?main_p ... cts_id=677
Misslarue said:
I think there was a thread recently about fleas with loads of advice :think: I'll have a look :D

It was mine huni :D

We have put various different things on the cat - the collar was another thing to try and stop them jumping back on her (we where using things that said they killed them, but we wasn't sure if they stopped them jumping back on her).

It was on her for two days, and i can't believe how quickly she reacted to it! luckly, everything else we have been treating her with seems to be ok (we avoided anything till the sores healed though, as i didn't want to irritate them.

I think we are winning. Its just the odd one or two now - we are treating everyroom daily and seem to be killing them off as they hatch. for some reason there seems to be more in my bathroom, which doesn't have any carpet, rugs or even towels hanging in there. :think:

Thanks for the tips on indorex and frontline. i assume they are like nits and get ammune to things though :think:

I recon they where in the carpets when we moved in. We noticed them a few days after we put the heating on. If only i could prove it i would moan at my landlord and get them to fork out to get someone in, but i can't prove it. :x
Sam&Alice said:
Thanks for the tips on indorex and frontline. i assume they are like nits and get ammune to things though :think:

These things permanently work! By wearing frontline your cat becomes a walking flea exterminator. Just put it on once a month and hooray, no fleas ever!

Because your house is already infested the Indorex will kill the fleas and the eggs wherever you spray it. These things are expensive but they are worth it! As you have discovered, the eggs can live in carpets and things for a long time until a cat comes along to sit on!

Good luck!
what hAV u used on the cat sam? we had a flea war a few years ago it was AWFUL my ankles were so bitten i couldnt bear the itching and scratched them til they were bleeding, i looked like i'd been paddling in knives!

when we first got cats the bob martin stuff seemed to do the trick, but the fleas became immune, and it stopped working. plus that stuff only works as prevention, if the cat already has fleas u must spray the cat with insecticide first- very hard worlk and traumatic for the cat.

my friend told me about frontline- its quite expensive £30 for 6 vials u get it from the vets- but ya kno what its a miracle cure iv not seen one single flea since then! and it actually kills fleas on contaxct wiht the cat they were literally dropping off dead.

i would ask the vets about it but i think a 50 degree wash is enough to kill them not sure :think: im pretty sure a boil wash certainly would! but idk if that might ruin the toy tho :think:

i understand how ur worried its horrid they get blimmin everywhere dont they!

i HATE fleas :twisted:

if i ever see one on its own i press selotape over them then fold the selotape over the other side sealing them in! they cant bite in there LOL

but like i said i ain seen a flea for years since we started using frontline. it really is miracle!
ive not used the bob martin stuff (people on here said it was rubbish)- im not sure of the brands but they are in blue and yellow pots. the cat has had spray, flea powder and a collar on her. she also lets me sit and groom her and pick them off, for a time and a treat as a reward.

We haven't been in alices room for 48 hours - we have left powder down and she has been hopping in bed with us so i can make sure there isn't any in there. well, ive just gone in there to get something and there are LOADS!!! the powder isn't killing the sods. They are weak - can only reach my feet, no higher, but still alive :wall: The rest of the flat seems fine, just alices room :x OH has just put more powder down before going to work, its a different brand this time.

Im going to order some of the Indorex in a moment. Im also going to get some front line, but two weeks ago we used spot on (i think thats the name). am i ok to use frontline as soon as we get it? is it best to wait the next two weeks till im meant to retreat her with spot on (im sure its every 4 weeks). sorry im vague, i can't be bothered to go all the way over the other side of the room and pick up the packet to make sure ive go it right :lol:

That link the girls posted earlier seems to have frontline cheaper than £30 hun.

I hate them, it makes me feel itchy and dirty. Ive never hoovered sooo much! im funny about alice playing on the floor cause of the buggers. She has loads of bites on one leg. she doesn't seem to be too irritated by then, but i still feel guilty.

I knew this flat was going too well, there had to be something wrong!! :evil:

Oh, and i would like to add, even though alice and adam have been bitten quite a bit, i can count the bites ive had on one hand!! my blood must be too sweet for them :lol:
kalia said:
By wearing frontline your cat becomes a walking flea exterminator.

Ive now got a picture of my cat walking around with a leather suit and sunglasses on, holding one of those pesticide pump thingies they use in American cartoons. :rotfl:
OMG i wish i had taken your advise earlier! that indorex stuff is FANTASTIC!! As is said, alices room was overrun with them, to the point where i was leaving the door shut with a thick trail of powder in front of either side to stop them getting out. Well, we have treated that room twice today (just to make sure), and ive just walked around with my trousers rolled up and nothing!!

Im a bit reluctant to put anything else on the cat at the mo - she seems to have got a sore on her back, right where they suggest to put the drip stuff and i want to wait for that to clear up first. The sore doesn't seem to be too bad, i just don't want to irritate it at the moment.

Thank you all so much for the advise. Fingers crossed this is the end of it (plus, i can't recomend that site enough! super quick!!! plus a freebie :cheer: :lol: )
oh another quick question - is it worth retreating with the spray after say a week to make sure we got all the buggers?
Sam&Alice said:
oh another quick question - is it worth retreating with the spray after say a week to make sure we got all the buggers?

yeah defo, at least that way you know they will be gone :) xx
Sam&Alice said:
OMG i wish i had taken your advise earlier! that indorex stuff is FANTASTIC!! As is said, alices room was overrun with them, to the point where i was leaving the door shut with a thick trail of powder in front of either side to stop them getting out. Well, we have treated that room twice today (just to make sure), and ive just walked around with my trousers rolled up and nothing!!

Im a bit reluctant to put anything else on the cat at the mo - she seems to have got a sore on her back, right where they suggest to put the drip stuff and i want to wait for that to clear up first. The sore doesn't seem to be too bad, i just don't want to irritate it at the moment.

Thank you all so much for the advise. Fingers crossed this is the end of it (plus, i can't recomend that site enough! super quick!!! plus a freebie :cheer: :lol: )

aww glad you were happy with vet uk and yes, indorex is a life saver!! xxx

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