First hair cut!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
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Got Phoebe's fringe bit trimmed on Wednesday for the first time :lol:

Didn't want her to have a hair cut but it was going in her eyes and looked a bit daft brushed to the side :?

Just thought I'd tell you all :lol: :dance: :clap: :lol:
Bless, did you keep the bits of hair? I've got a memory book that has a little envelope for the first hair cut :D
No :(

But it wasn't really her first PROPER haircut. I had mine done and asked my hairdresser to give her fringe a trim.

I'll keep some hair from her first proper haircut :lol:
I was trying to scrap up the bits of hair on Ella's sheet to try and get a lock together, she's moulting like mad!
:shakehead: your just teasing me aint u???????

my lil girl is 13months and has NO hair shes bold... :wall:

i dream of putting pig taits in her hair :cry:
beth barely has any either dionne! she has a tiny little bit at the front which has just started to go in her eyes so i just pin it back with a little hair clip :lol: i wish it would hurry up and grow she hasnt had a haircut yet neither :lol:
Charlotte is 5 1/2 and has only had 2 hair cuts - both after she decided to be a hairdresser :shock: (except the first time she is STILL adamant the dog did it). We've got to just past the shoulders now. I feel better by blamin it on Stuarts genes - he's going bald, his dad is bald, but Daniel our eldest (isn't Stuart's) needs his hair cutting every other week. All the good genetics must come from me :wink: :dance:
tracyM said:
(except the first time she is STILL adamant the dog did it).

:lol: :lol: :lol: sorry tracy that made me laugh thats the sort of thing kurt would say :lol:
Come on then lets see the new barnet pic ! :D
hahaha the dog done it, thats so funny lil madam.
tracyM said:
she is STILL adamant the dog did it

LMAO, that is a great excuse

dionne said:
my lil girl is 13months and has NO hair shes bold...

i dream of putting pig taits in her hair

Harvey has lots of hair though....hmmm, think he'd look great with bunches :D
lol, as long as you use blue ribbons am sure he won't mind
there is a crazy woman that walks round town she pushs an empty pram i always c her shes not all there, some times she even puts a doll in it..
im going to end up like her pushing my boy round dressed as a girl lol
We ahve one of them round by us, she is called budgie. Has a full face of make up, bright red lipstick etc and she shouts abuse at everyone all the time. She is my hero lol
hahaha kris used to be a security guard at the nut house at our hospital he used to have cameras and watch them he would record them on his phone and show me lol
LOL Duds :lol:

Will post some pics of Phoebe soon. Can't really see her fringe though. It was only a tiny trim :lol:

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