First day in tri 3 and can't sleep


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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I feel a bit daft posting this as I've been posting in here for a week or so but today is officially my first day in tri 3 :oops: :shock: :D

Been rubbish at sleeping lately but luckily only 8 working days to go before I finish work :cheer:

Anyway here is some cake for you all, now on with the baby popping :D

:wave: Hi hun...nice to have you here.
that cake looks lovely!! :cheer:
:wave: and welcome to tri 3. The cake looks lovely bit early tho :) xx
Hi Mildly :wave: Good to officially have you here! Im on mat leave too from Friday so soon we will both be enjoying our free time! :cheer: xx
Hi Mildy :wave:
I won't say welcome as your already settled in and have your feet
Bet your looking forward to finishing work though, more time on here then.
oooohhh love the look of that cake.

Welcome to the dark side.

Enjoy work, the first dfew days of mat leave are boring until you get used to be a lady who lunchs (in my case on the couch in front of the TV).

Welcome to tri 3 Mildly :wave:

Only 8 days left of work, whohoo :D have you used up annual leave or is that straight into your maternity leave? How long are you taking off?

I have got 15 days left of work, but they are spread out. I am off after today, working next week then got a week off :cheer: then working a day and a half, then off for week and a half :cheer: then working a week then off for 3 weeks :cheer: then my maternity leave kicks in :cheer: :cheer:


welcome arcoss to tri 3 :D

Thanks for the cake.

Alex xxx
whoo hooo you're here, lovely cake! I finish work this friday and cant wait!!

Just about got comfy in bed now with an assortment of pillows and by kicking DH out!
hello!! i'm only into 3rd tri too - my sleeping hasn't been great either but it is very warm over here at the minute.
6 weeks to go before work finishes :(
Welcome!! :hug: :cheer:

Lovely cake, it is making me want to pop over to Asda and get myself a massive chocolate cake all for myself! :twisted:
Yay, welcome Mildy, good to see you here! Thanks for the scrummy cake :hug:
Hello bud! Hope you and Oscar are well :D

Glad you could join us!! :cheer:

My sleeping is all over the place too - not dropping off till about 2am....

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