First AF?

Magic Monkey

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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How long was it until you got got your first AF? I am not breast feeding and still no sign, not that I want it! But am wondering when I should expect it?

Also I know that everyone is different, just want an idea.

I had Imogen on 8 Dec. Stopped BFing totally about a month ago and had my first AF on Monday. Wasn't too bad at all.
I got my AF when James was 9 weeks...about 2 days after I had asked exactly the same question as you on here as i was worried I hadnt had it yet!!! So you will probably find you get it any day now!! :rotfl:

Mine was fine - hardly any pain which is ace cos i used to really suffer!! :cheer: :cheer: It did last for just over a week but I didnt mind too much cos of the lack of pain. Fingers crossed it will stay that way!! :pray: :pray:
I am breastfeeding and I still haven't had one. I'm expecting it anytime tho, as I'm always getting crampy menstrual pains. :?
i stopped breatsfeeding / expressing at 3 weeks and af came 3 weeks later! was long , heavy and painfull !
I got mine when Danica was 5 months old. I was in the process of stopping expressing. It was very, very heavy but not that painful.
mine was 4 weeks after i had abigail. had her 19th feb and af came 22nd march. hasnt come yet this month tho :think:

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