Finally gonna do it!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Well after years of saying I am going to do it.... I am actually going to get a tattoo...

Sooooooo excited..... can anyone tell me how sore it is REALLY!!

S. xx
aww im so jealous id love one but im to scared
if i had one it would have to say Braydon
what one are you gettin and where? i had one done yesterday and it don't hurt hun just a annoying feelin
getting some stars on my ankle down onto my foot.

S. xx
It dosen't hurt too much hun. Just feels like scratching. Good luck :)
my OH has got 8, and he says they don't hurt. he describes it as 'warm' and 'like a scratch'.

the one that was most painful after was his leg as it swelled up. and the one they did on the top of his arm is lumpy now, as they went to deep.

get some bepapthene (sp) cream for after. its great stuff! better and cheaper than the tattoo stuff you can get in our opinion.

it sounds lovely though!
well tbh I cant imagine its worse than childbirth haha
not that i have experienced either but just taking a guess!!
Becks_again said:
well tbh I cant imagine its worse than childbirth haha
not that i have experienced either but just taking a guess!!

Well I've done both and you're right. Nothing compared to childbirth!! :wink:
I have not got any experience of foot tattoos, but my latest was on my wrist and it didnt really hurt at all..out of my 4 the one on my stomach hurt most and I cant say it was excrutiating..

:dance: :dance:
sarah i've got 3 little stars by my ankle, great minds eh! :wink:

I thought it was quite sore but it was bearable, the most annoying bit was trying not to wobble whilst i lay on my side.
i have 4 tattoos and i have to say that it was the worst pain i have EVER experienced in my life!!!!

but i am such a wuss and neither DF or my dad said theirs hurt.

I'm getting DH & Baby's name done after the birth! Can't wait.
No idea on pain levels, plus I think it depends where on the body you get them done. I've heard boney places are more painful than flabby areas!! :D
ive got 7 tattoo's and i have to say it doesnt hurt just a uncomfortable scratch for the first 5 mins then you dont really feel it id recomend chatting to the tattooist to take your mind of it and dont look as it might make you feel a bit ill
plus make sure you have something to eat before hand and a nice hot drink to keep your sugar levels up
good luck with having it done
manda x
Becks_again said:
well tbh I cant imagine its worse than childbirth haha
not that i have experienced either but just taking a guess!!

Well this is my theaory.... if I can do that I can do ANYTHING!! :rotfl:

S. xx
Nicola said:
I'm getting DH & Baby's name done after the birth! Can't wait.
No idea on pain levels, plus I think it depends where on the body you get them done. I've heard boney places are more painful than flabby areas!! :D

My friend says her flabby arse hurt more than her foot.... suppose it's just what you are used to!
SarahH said:
Nicola said:
I'm getting DH & Baby's name done after the birth! Can't wait.
No idea on pain levels, plus I think it depends where on the body you get them done. I've heard boney places are more painful than flabby areas!! :D

My friend says her flabby arse hurt more than her foot.... suppose it's just what you are used to!

In my exp the flabby areas hurt much more than the boney areas :)
i got a chinese sympol on my belly it was ment to say paul my ex partners name but it was sooooo sore i cryed and refused to let hem finish it so i have a "P"
cassi said:
SarahH said:
Nicola said:
I'm getting DH & Baby's name done after the birth! Can't wait.
No idea on pain levels, plus I think it depends where on the body you get them done. I've heard boney places are more painful than flabby areas!! :D

My friend says her flabby arse hurt more than her foot.... suppose it's just what you are used to!

In my exp the flabby areas hurt much more than the boney areas :)

Aww that's cool, wanting mine on my foot/ankle type area!! :-) I've never had one done so don't have a clue what they even feel like....but hey if we can cope with labour/childbirth eh?! xx

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