Feeling so unattractive


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
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Today I have felt the worst I have felt throughout my pregnancy. My face is really spotty, my hair just looks really limp, I know my bump has just got massive this week and I'm waddling around like a big fat elephant.
I don't think the weather is helping as I'm so hot and have no t-shirts that fit, I was ok when I could wear big cardigans but now I look like a big whale!
If I could be at home in my pj's I'd be ok, but having to go to work and actually see people is really crap :(
I hate moaning as I really am excited about having a baby, but I'm hoping you guys understand.
Poor you still at work as well!!! I know what you mean - I'm bloody boiling but with only a week to go I REFUSE to buy any summer maternity clothes, so am going to sweat it out!! Go home and have a nice lovely bath and hairwash, and if money allows get a pedi or something to cheer yourself up. If not get a mate over to do them for free!!! lol Oh, and buy a trashy mag and some chocs to enjoy while you have the bath as well!!
Fully understand hunny. My hair is just awful and I look like i've been electrocuted. I get stress acne and now can't take my tablets so my nose and cheeks are so red and feel like they've been burnt. I feel like a scummy mummy lol :hug: xxxxxxxxx
I feel crappy too! I feel like my face has puffed out and Im getting a few spots around my chin. Pregnancy glow my bum hole!! lol
I think this 'pregnancy glow' stuff is made up!
Feeling a bit better today, straightened my hair, plucked my eyebrows and got husband to shave me legs!
So feeling slightly more normal, also drinking lots of water in a bid to get rid of some spots, not sure if it will help but its making me feel better!
Thanks for your comments, its so good to know I'm not on my own :)
Pregnancy glow must be a lie told to pregnant women as it sure as hell don't exist in this house hold!

My skin= spotty,
bladder control= what bladder control?!
hair thick full and glossy= uhhh NO

I was out with friends in the sun yesterday and one 'kindly' told me I was glossing- I laughed probably a little to hard - lets just say I really wish I'd been a tena lady yesterday!
Totally understand the feeling too! Feeling like a whale even more now we've had some sunshine and everyone has come out in their little summer numbers already! Gggrr Can't do a thing with my hair! And I've started to get that brown pigmentation on my face and on top of spots I just look plain awful!!
I did however have a good strop to OH the other day and ordered him to take me shopping. We can't afford naf all atm but bless him he let me get whatever I wanted so I treated myself to some heavenly fitting maternity linen trousers - a bargain from Matalan ;) and a top to go with. I'm also on the hunt for a nice maxi dress as it's my Birthday at the end of April right before bubba is due so I want to feel a bit glamorous and have something nice to wear! lol I'm hoping my hairdresser Mother will visit me soon (fat chance but hey ho) and do my hair for me too at some point soon! FX on that one! lol
Anyways not long to go now for some of you, I know I'm already looking forward to getting back to myself so I can't imagine what it feels like being right at the end and just waiting!
Hope you feel better soon though! Get OH to treat you! You deserve it!!! ;)
Why do people make the comment everytime they see you 'oh no baby yet?' im not even due yet so no, theres no baby yet, what do they think ive done stuck a football up my top and left the baby at home?? seriously :wall2:

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