feeling dead inside

ahhh lynette,
get some help honey, anything. a treatment, therapy wise i mean, some tlc.
what you talk of is very normal though and understandable, just dont let it destroy because i tell you something the longer you let it hujrt you the longer it will take to have another baby.
It took me so long to conceive last time and I know it was because I hadnt let go of the baby ilost or the hurt or pain.
Its not going to happen this time.
So whatever it is you feel you need, you spoke of acupuncture and aromatherapy go get some, and have it weekly, it will be so worth it.xxxx
Big hugs hun :hugs:

I know exactly what u mean lynette! I have no idea where the time is going, in my head it's still June so when I suddenly think in the real world and realise it's the middle of sept, where the hell was July and august!! Please stay strong as it does get slightly easier to cope with, give urself time :hugs: xxx
I think u have a good head on ur shoulders now Hun, and if u need to see a counsellor then do it. :hugs: xx
It's still very raw hun, be kind to yourself.

When it happened to me I just had this overwhelming desire to 'get back to the old me' as soon as possible. What I didn't realise at the time was, I could never be that person again. That person who was oblivious to miscarriages, who assumed once they got pregnant that would = healthy baby at the end of it. I spent a lot of time stressing about it and it didn't help.

Take each day at a time, let your feelings out. Speak to people about it if it helps you. You are grieving your loss and it will take time before you feel better. Have hope though that one day it will get better.

Ah hun, I think ranting and talking about how you feel is a help in itself. It's awful, furry animals are great company though. I'm sure my dog knew because she never left my side when it was all going on. Big hugs xx
ah hun, big big :hug: Its still so recent and so raw for you, its not surprising how you are feeling, and no matter what you did in your past, noone deserves a miscarriage. Get some counselling, someone to talk to can have a really significant effect especially if OH finds communication difficult. I remember you saying you were a bit isolated up there so even more of a reason to have someone you can open up to face to face. WIth I was closer to come and hug you in person :hug:
i have such a deep shame about the time i spent abusing drugs though i feel like this just serves me right for the shit i put in my body i dont know how i never died the cocktails of class a's i used to have over long periods of time with no sleep, food or drink

i dont know what to do i think i am having a down day thats all :-( also in a lot of pain still.

First :hug: and lots of them.

You do not deserve this, it doesn't matter what happened or what you did in the past. No-one should have to go through what your going through right now.
If you feel you need to talk to someone, give your GP a ring and request an appointment to be referred to a counsellor. Its still early days, you don't have to 'be better'. You need to grieve and physically recover too.

Are you taking all your med's for the pain? How did you sleep last night?

Rant away, that's what were here for :hug: x
oh in that case def go for counselling. i had a rough time a few years back, work was hard and my mum got ill and then tried to commit suicide a coulple of time. I stopped coping after a while and refered and just having someone i could say ANYTHING to in complete confidence was such a help. I didn't need any other help in the end, just some space to talk in a safe place. Hope you can access it easily, push your gp cos waiting can be a while. proud of you huney, youmust be very strong to have done that alone xxxx
hey lynette, i am so sorry i see you suffering so much and i am amazed of the strength that you had to change your life for better. it really shows that you are an amazing girl and never think again that the mc happened because you are punished or you deserve it.
i am very proud of you and i am sure that you will be a wonderful strong mum one day. counseling is a brilliant idea, don't hesitate to do it.
dysco sorry for the rough time that you had. i hope everything is better now and i know that you have a very loving and caring oh in your life that will help you get though everything.
:hug: for you girls
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Hey lynette, has that cloud lifted at all today? How are you doing? Can you get to GP to ask about counselling? :hug: xxx
How are you feeling today lynette? Better I hope. I thought I was ok a few hours ago but it changes on an hourly basis :( I started bleeding this morn so my mc has arrived and I got sent home from work in pain. would rather be at home anyway. So il be on here on and off during the day if you're on and need a chat or some1 to listen. I've had quite a rough few last years (last yr was perfect up until this mmc) so can relate to you and will offer any advice if u would like it xxxx
Feeling dead inside is exactly how I would describe it. Depression isn't always tears and sadness, sometimes it's the removal of all feelings and feeling nothing. It wont feel like it now but I promise you WILL get your spark back hunni. It will just take you a little bit of time. I didn't go for counselling but I did talk about it a lot which helped. You are obviously an incredibly strong person to have kicked the drugs, give yourself some credit. You just need to feel what you are feeling now to process this, and drugs would just be prolonging your agony by clouding your head and blotting things out. I went through a phase of drinking too much after my mc until it hit me that not only was I not dealing with my emotions, I had also started despising myself for being so weak. You will get through this Lynette, the old cliche is true, time is a great healer xxx
glad you are doing ok Kirsty, hope Lynette is ok, she has disappeared a bit after these last posts xxx
I think you are extreamly brave to have gone thru all u have with drugs and gotten urself back togather I too think counselling or writing a diary of your emotions may help we all get empty dead days and fully understand the despair u feel never give up hope u got thru your addictions you can come thru this in time. It's so hard not to let emotions spiral and I wish I could find a magic happiness remedy xxxx

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