Feeling a bit weird today, somhow not pregnant : -((


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2007
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Don't know why, but i don't 'feel' pregnant today.

I had 2 very bizarre dreams last night, then i woke up this morning i just didn't feel the way i have other mornings since finding out...

I don't really know how far gone i am, as i have long cycles. Have a scan booked for 3 weeks time to see if we can hear a heartbeat....
Can they tell you then how far they think you are ?.

Is this normal, has anyone else felt like this ?.

Could it be the calm before the storm ! !
Aw please try not to worry (easier said than done I know!) I've had days like that especially early on where I was feeling too good to be pregnant but it was all ok in the end. I think its perfectly normal and you'll probably find in another few days you have some symptoms hit you nice and strong!
I had days like that even at 18/19 weeks :) :hug:
hun ive only just begun to have symptoms now and im nearly 6 weeks, when i first found out i was 4 weeks 1 day, so it took a while, any idea when your last af was hun? :hug:
My last period was 15th April.

My cycles normally last 41 days, however my cycle before i found out i was pg was 36 days, so work that one out :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
it doesnt really matter, you just go from your last af, the first day, so if im right you would be 6 weeks 4 days :D
yes i worked it out that i was around 6 weeks. i really hope i am, as that will mean i only have another 6 weeks till i can relax.

it's wonderful and scary all at the same time...

thanks for replying, i've heard a lot of girls say this but it really is true, i don't know what i'd do without this site........

thanks again and sending you lots of :hug: :hug:
Oh hun, i have done nothing but worry over the past 2 weeks of finding out, omg, thought i was gunna self distruct with all the worry, feeling a little better now but im sure it will all happen again soo. Get a ticker hun, if the docs put you forward or back it doesnt matter, my ticker always make me feel good :hug:
i know i'm being really stupid :doh:

but i keep going on to the website and not knowing how to do it.

can you help me please :oops: :rotfl:
well it says going from your usual 41 day cycle you are 4 weeks 5 days pg, these things confuze me lol, ill get you the code, ill pm it you :D
sorted :D
just paste that code into your signature box, in your profile
I feel same some mornings...then others I think maybe i have a football team in there how yuk i feel lmao!!
My last period was 16th April sounds like you be close to me hehe...I had scan weds and they said just on 6wks xx
Hi Karly :wave:

I guess from what everyone's saying it sounds quite a common thing. Not nice though hey :(

My last period was 15th April, so must mean i'm around the 6 weeks mark. I have a scan in 1.5 week's time, so hopefully will hear a heartbeat. That will make things seem more real :pray: :pray:

Ooooo we'll have to keep each other updated weekly....

Have been getting the metalic taste a bit today and bb's have doubled in size, and still not overly into food, especially my evening meals :?
When I found out I was pregnant I had no idea at all I went to docs for what I thought was a UTI when that was neg he threw pee sample in bin but then started to ask about my periods etc and decided to do pregnancy test so he took sample back out of bin saying he knew it was definately mine cause bin had just been emptied or he wouldnt have got it out, the test was possitive it was such a shock and he booked me for a dating scan cause I had no idea how far on I was I didn't whole heartedly believed I was pregnant until dating scan when I saw heartbeat on the screen, I kept telling myself OMG I'm pregnant but a part of me kept thinking what if the bin wasnt empty and it wasnt my wee? what if the test was wrong? Even when I started being sick I didn't quite believe it, it was only when I got to 12 weeks and saw our baby looking like a baby on the scan that it started to sink in and feel more real!

Good luck for your scan hope your as far on as you think you are and don't have the frustration of being put back and waiting longer! :hug: :hug:
I agree, this site really is so reassuring! I wake up quite a few mornings thinking am I still pregnant? Been trying to convince myself not to get a cheapie prego test. I can't wait to scan as much as I am dreading it as well!

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