Feel so empty


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
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Hi Girls

Well its been a week since I had an MC & am still feeling so flat. I know you will recognise the feeling I mean.

I thought I was coming to terms with it but don't think i am really. I feel alone my OH hasnt really talked about it since it happened but then we have serious money probs to deal with so that takes precedence.

I feel down and have no energy. I am trying to be strong and focus on the fact that I have 2 gorgeous boys already and what a blessing that is. But still I feel the loss and have sometimes cried myself to sleep at night. I avoid other pregnant women/women with small babies.

My body as well - cant believe one minute I am pregnant and the next its gone. My stomach is so bloated now, more that when I was pregnant, and I dont know why.

They say that time's a healer and I suppose I just need to give myself time just hate how I feel and that OH doesnt get it.
Hey, sorry you are feeling down. I know everything you are feeling and if Im honest there are times when I cry myself to sleep too. Everywhere I go I notice every baby, all my close friends are due in the next three months as well. Its suffocating at times.

Its hard, but you do need to think of the good things you have and start to focus on other 'projects'. For me its trying to sell my house, exercise and work. You sound like you have two great children already so they are a great start. Its very early days for you, dont be hard on yourself though. Take one day at a time!
I know that feelin to well it seems. But I'm on week three now and I really am feeling more positive :), don't get me wrong I cried my eyes out on Tuesday!

Just take good care of yourself, oh and your 2 lovely boys. Everthings happens for a reason. So nice to have the girls here to vent to! Hugs xxxx
Awww girls thank you so much it means so much. Especially to talk to people who have been through it. I am trying to focus on something else like losing weight/exercise and going to try my hand at making jewellery! Chins up girls xxxx

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